sp::dim::aabbox3d< T > | Axis aligned bounding box (AABB) class for bounding volume tests |
sp::audio::ALBufferObject | Internal OpenAL buffer object abstraction layer |
sp::audio::ALSourceObject | Internal OpenAL source object abstraction layer |
sp::scene::Animation | |
sp::scene::AnimationJoint | |
sp::scene::AnimationJointGroup | |
sp::scene::AnimationPlayback | |
sp::scene::AnimationSkeleton | |
sp::io::AssetContainer | |
sp::scene::BaseCollisionPhysicsObject | |
sp::io::BaseFileFormatHandler | Base loader class. Base class for scene::MeshLoader, video::ImageLoader and sound::SoundLoader |
sp::BaseObject | This is the base object class. It only stores the object's name and a user data pointer for general purpose |
sp::scene::BasicMeshGenerator | !! |
sp::scene::Billboard | |
sp::video::BloomEffect | GBuffer object which contains all textures which are required for a deferred renderer |
sp::scene::BoundingVolume | |
sp::scene::BSPLoaderExtensions | |
sp::scene::BSPTreeNode | BSP tree node class used for BSP scenes |
sp::scene::Camera | |
sp::video::CgShaderClass | |
sp::video::CgShaderContext | Class for the "NVIDIA Cg Shader Context" |
sp::video::CgShaderProgram | Class for the "NVIDIA Cg Shader Program" |
sp::video::CgShaderProgramD3D11 | |
sp::video::CgShaderProgramD3D9 | |
sp::video::CgShaderProgramGL | |
sp::scene::CharacterController | |
sp::scene::ClipVertex | |
sp::scene::CollisionBox | |
sp::scene::CollisionCapsule | |
sp::scene::CollisionCone | |
sp::scene::CollisionCylinder | |
sp::scene::CollisionGraph | |
sp::scene::CollisionLineBased | |
sp::scene::CollisionMaterial | |
sp::scene::CollisionMesh | |
sp::scene::CollisionNode | |
sp::scene::CollisionPlane | |
sp::scene::CollisionSphere | |
sp::video::color | |
sp::tool::CommandLineUI | |
sp::video::ComputeShaderIO | |
sp::video::ConstantBuffer | |
sp::scene::ConvexPolyhedron< T, PlaneCount > | |
sp::CriticalSection | |
sp::video::D3D11DefaultShader | Direct3D11 render system. This renderer supports Direct3D 11.0 |
sp::video::D3D11HardwareBuffer | Direct3D11 hardware buffer (vertex- or index buffer) class for internal usage |
sp::video::D3D9IndexBuffer | Direct3D9 index buffer class for internal usage |
sp::video::D3D9VertexBuffer | Direct3D9 vertex buffer class for internal usage |
sp::io::DefaultException | Default exception holding a message describing the error |
sp::video::DeferredRenderer | |
sp::math::Degree< T > | Degree class. An instance of this class will always store a value in the range [0.0 .. 360.0) |
sp::video::DesktopRenderContext | Render context class for desktop operating systems such as Windows and Linux |
sp::video::Direct3D11ComputeShaderIO | |
sp::video::Direct3D11ConstantBuffer | |
sp::video::Direct3D11RenderContext | Direct3D11 render context |
sp::video::Direct3D11RenderSystem | Direct3D11 render system. This renderer supports Direct3D 11.0 |
sp::video::Direct3D11Shader | |
sp::video::Direct3D11ShaderClass | |
sp::video::Direct3D11Texture | |
sp::video::Direct3D9RenderContext | Direct3D9 render context |
sp::video::Direct3D9RenderSystem | Direct3D9 render system. This renderer supports Direct3D 9.0c |
sp::video::Direct3D9Shader | |
sp::video::Direct3D9ShaderClass | |
sp::video::Direct3D9Texture | |
sp::video::DummyRenderSystem | |
sp::audio::DummySound | |
sp::audio::DummySoundDevice | |
sp::physics::DynamicPhysicsObject | |
sp::tool::Event | |
sp::tool::EventTimer | |
sp::io::File | File base class |
sp::io::FilePhysical | |
sp::io::FileSystem | |
sp::io::FileVirtual | |
sp::scene::FirstPersonCamera | |
sp::video::Font | |
sp::math::FunctionalInterpolator< T, I, Func > | |
sp::video::GBuffer | |
sp::tool::GeneralPurposeTexture | |
sp::video::GLBasePipeline | OpenGL base render system. This is the parent class of all OpenGL and OpenGL|ES renderers |
sp::video::GLFixedFunctionPipeline | OpenGL fixed function render system. This is the parent class of all OpenGL and OpenGL|ES renderers |
sp::video::GLFramebufferObject | |
sp::video::GLProgrammableFunctionPipeline | OpenGL fixed function render system. This is the parent class of all OpenGL and OpenGL|ES renderers |
sp::video::GLTextureBase | |
sp::gui::GUIBaseObject | |
sp::gui::GUIButtonGadget | |
sp::gui::GUICheckboxGadget | |
sp::gui::GUIContainerGadget | |
sp::gui::GUIController | |
sp::gui::GUIGadget | |
sp::gui::GUIListColumn | |
sp::gui::GUIListGadget | |
sp::gui::GUIListItem | |
sp::gui::GUIListRootEntry | |
sp::gui::GUIManager | |
sp::gui::GUIMenuItem | |
sp::gui::GUIProgressbarGadget | |
sp::gui::GUIScrollbarGadget | |
sp::gui::GUIScrollViewBased | |
sp::gui::GUIStringGadget | |
sp::gui::GUITextGadget | |
sp::gui::GUITrackbarGadget | |
sp::gui::GUITreeGadget | |
sp::gui::GUITreeItem | |
sp::gui::GUIWebGadget | |
sp::gui::GUIWindow | |
sp::video::ImageBuffer | |
sp::video::ImageBufferContainer< T, DefVal > | |
sp::video::ImageBufferFloat | |
sp::video::ImageBufferUByte | |
sp::video::ImageLoader | ImageLoader class used as image loading interface |
sp::video::ImageLoaderBMP | |
sp::video::ImageLoaderDDS | |
sp::video::ImageLoaderJPG | |
sp::video::ImageLoaderPCX | |
sp::video::ImageLoaderPNG | |
sp::video::ImageLoaderTGA | |
sp::video::ImageLoaderWAD | |
sp::video::ImageSaver | ImageSaver class used as image saving interface |
sp::video::ImageSaverBMP | |
sp::scene::ImageTreeNode< T > | |
sp::video::IndexFormat | This is the index format class which specifies how indices are stored on the VRAM |
sp::tool::InputService | |
sp::math::Interpolator | |
sp::scene::KDTreeNode | Kd-Tree node class for universal usage |
sp::scene::KeyframeSequence | |
sp::scene::Light | |
sp::tool::LightmapGenerator | The lightmap generator class is a utility actually only used in a world editor |
sp::dim::line2d< T > | |
sp::dim::line3d< T > | |
sp::dim::linekd< T, Vec > | 3D line class for intersection tests or 3D drawing information |
sp::tool::LogicGate | |
sp::scene::MaterialNode | |
sp::video::MaterialStates | MaterialStates class used to store and handle material attributes |
sp::dim::matrix2< T > | |
sp::dim::matrix3< T > | |
sp::dim::matrix4< T > | |
sp::tool::MatrixTexture | |
sp::math::MD5CheckSum | |
sp::scene::Mesh | |
sp::scene::MeshAnimation | Extension class for mesh based animations (MorphTargetAnimation and SkeletalAnimation) |
sp::tool::MeshBooleanOperator | |
sp::video::MeshBuffer | |
sp::scene::MeshLoader | |
sp::scene::MeshLoader3DS | |
sp::scene::MeshLoaderB3D | |
sp::scene::MeshLoaderMD2 | |
sp::scene::MeshLoaderMD3 | |
sp::scene::MeshLoaderMS3D | |
sp::scene::MeshLoaderOBJ | |
sp::scene::MeshLoaderSPM | |
sp::scene::MeshLoaderX | |
sp::scene::MeshSaver | |
sp::scene::MeshSaverB3D | |
sp::scene::MeshSaverOBJ | |
sp::scene::MeshSaverSPM | |
sp::scene::MorphTargetAnimation | |
sp::video::Movie | |
sp::network::NetworkAddress | |
sp::network::NetworkBase | Pure base class for network systems |
sp::network::NetworkBaseUDP | Base class for all UDP network systems |
sp::network::NetworkClient | |
sp::network::NetworkMember | |
sp::network::NetworkPacket | |
sp::network::NetworkServer | |
sp::network::NetworkSessionLogin | |
sp::network::NetworkSessionReception | |
sp::network::NetworkSocket | This class is used internally for the network socket API but can also be accessed by the engine's user |
sp::network::NetworkSystem | |
sp::network::NetworkSystemTCP | TCP/IP network system class |
sp::network::NetworkSystemUDP | UDP/IP network system class |
sp::physics::NewtonBaseObject | |
sp::physics::NewtonDynamicsJoint | |
sp::physics::NewtonRigidBody | |
sp::physics::NewtonSimulator | Third party library extension: "Newton Game Dynamics" (v.2.0) physics simulation engine |
sp::physics::NewtonStaticObject | |
sp::Node | |
sp::scene::NodeAnimation | |
sp::io::NullPointerException | Null-pointer-exceptions will be thrown when an invalid object (or rather a null pointer) is passed to a class constructor which requires a valid object |
sp::dim::obbox3d< T > | |
sp::scene::OBBTreeNode | Oriented bounding box tree node class used for bounding volume hierarchies |
sp::scene::OcTreeNode | Oct tree (or rather OcTree) node class used for collision detection and intersection optimization |
sp::audio::OpenALSound | |
sp::audio::OpenALSoundDevice | |
sp::audio::OpenALSoundEffect | |
sp::video::OpenCLBuffer | |
sp::video::OpenCLDevice | |
sp::video::OpenCLProgram | |
sp::video::OpenGLConstantBuffer | |
sp::video::OpenGLES1RenderSystem | OpenGL|ES 1 render system. This renderer supports OpenGL|ES 1.1 |
sp::video::OpenGLES1Texture | |
sp::video::OpenGLES2RenderSystem | OpenGL|ES 2 render system. This renderer supports OpenGL|ES 2.0 |
sp::video::OpenGLES2Texture | |
sp::video::OpenGLESRenderContext | EGL context base for the OpenGL|ES renderers |
sp::video::OpenGLRenderContext | OpenGL render context. It's using WGL or GLX to create a context for Windows or Linux |
sp::video::OpenGLRenderSystem | OpenGL render system. This renderer supports OpenGL 1.1 - 4.1 |
sp::video::OpenGLShader | |
sp::video::OpenGLShaderClass | |
sp::video::OpenGLSharedRenderContext | |
sp::video::OpenGLTexture | |
sp::audio::OpenSLESSound | |
sp::audio::OpenSLESSoundDevice | |
sp::io::OSInformator | |
sp::tool::ParticleAnimator | |
sp::tool::PathEdge | |
sp::tool::PathGraph | |
sp::tool::PathNode | |
sp::physics::PhysicsBaseObject | |
sp::physics::PhysicsJoint | |
sp::physics::PhysicsMaterial | |
sp::physics::PhysicsSimulator | |
sp::physics::PhysXBaseObject | |
sp::physics::PhysXJoint | |
sp::physics::PhysXMaterial | |
sp::physics::PhysXRigidBody | |
sp::physics::PhysXSimulator | |
sp::physics::PhysXStaticObject | |
sp::dim::plane3d< T > | |
sp::dim::point2d< T > | |
sp::dim::polygon< T > | |
sp::scene::Portal | |
sp::video::PostProcessingEffect | Virtual base class for post-processing effects (such as bloom-effect) |
sp::scene::Projection3D< T > | |
sp::dim::quadrangle3d< T > | Quadrangle 3D class which is basically only used for collision detection |
sp::scene::QuadTreeNode | Quad tree node class used for terrain patches and optimization purposes |
sp::dim::quaternion4< T > | |
sp::math::Radian< T > | Radian class. An instance of this class will always store a value in the range [0.0 .. 2*pi) |
sp::math::RadianDegreeAngle< T > | |
sp::math::RasterizerVertex | |
sp::dim::rect2d< T > | |
sp::video::RenderContext | Render context class which holds the graphics context objects and the window objects |
sp::scene::RenderNode | Interface for all renderable objects: visible 3d geometry and light sources or a whole scene graph |
sp::video::RenderSystem | |
sp::io::RenderSystemException | Render-system-exceptions will be thrown when an object is going to be instantiated before the global render system has been created |
sp::physics::RigidBody | |
sp::tool::ScriptLoader::SAnimation | |
sp::tool::ScriptLoader::SAnimationFrame | |
sp::scene::SAnimQueue | |
sp::scene::SAnimSequence | Animation sequence structure. This is used to store a fixed animation sequence for easy access |
sp::audio::SAudioBuffer | Loaded audio buffer structure |
sp::tool::LightmapGen::SAxisData | |
sp::scene::MeshLoaderB3D::SSkeletonBoneB3D::SBoneKeyframeInfo | |
sp::scene::MeshLoaderB3D::SSkeletonBoneB3D::SBoneVertexInfo | |
sp::video::MeshBuffer::SBuffer | |
sp::tool::SCastShadowObject | |
sp::scene::SceneGraph | |
sp::scene::SceneGraphFamilyTree | |
sp::scene::SceneGraphPortalBased | |
sp::scene::SceneGraphSimple | |
sp::scene::SceneGraphSimpleStream | |
sp::scene::SceneLoader | |
sp::scene::SceneLoaderBSP1 | This is the "Quake 1" BSP scene loader |
sp::scene::SceneLoaderBSP3 | This is the "Quake III Arena" BSP scene loader |
sp::scene::SceneLoaderSPSB | |
sp::scene::SceneManager | |
sp::scene::SceneNode | |
sp::video::D3D11DefaultShader::SConstantBufferExtension::SClipPlane | |
sp::video::GLFixedFunctionPipeline::SClipPlane | |
sp::video::SCmpNormalCoord | |
sp::scene::SCmpTransTriangle | |
sp::scene::SCollisionContact | |
sp::scene::SCollisionFace | |
sp::tool::ScriptLoader::SCommand | |
sp::tool::CommandLineUI::SCommand | |
sp::scene::SContactBase | |
sp::tool::ScriptFramework::SContainer< T > | |
sp::tool::ScriptLoader::SContainer< T > | |
sp::io::Log::ScopedTab | |
sp::tool::ScriptFramework | |
sp::tool::ScriptLoader | |
sp::tool::CommandLineUI::SCursor | |
sp::video::DeferredRenderer::SDebugVPL | |
sp::video::RenderSystem::SDepthRange | |
sp::SDeviceFlags | |
sp::video::SDisplayDevice | This structure stores the name and description of a connected display device |
sp::scene::Sector | |
sp::dim::SecureList< T, Allocator > | Thread safe variant of the std::list class. This class is particular used for the NetworkSystem |
sp::tool::InputService::SEvent | Event entry structure. Each event can have several entries (to have an alternative input) |
sp::tool::LightmapGen::SFace | |
sp::tool::XMLParser::SFileState | |
sp::video::RenderSystem::SFogStates | |
sp::video::D3D11DefaultShader::SConstantBufferExtension::SFogStates | |
sp::video::SFontGlyph | |
sp::scene::SAnimQueue::SFrame | Internal frame structure |
sp::io::SFrequenceQuery | |
sp::tool::SGetShadowObject | |
sp::video::SGlyph | |
sp::gui::SGUIEvent | |
sp::video::Shader | |
sp::video::ShaderClass | |
sp::video::ShadowMapper | |
sp::video::SharedRenderContext | Shared render context base class used for multi-threaded resource creation |
sp::video::SHeightMapTexture | |
sp::video::SImageData | |
sp::video::SImageDataRead | Image data for loading |
sp::video::SImageDataWrite | |
sp::scene::SIntersectionContact | |
sp::dim::size2d< T > | |
sp::scene::SJointKeyframe | Joint keyframe structure |
sp::scene::SkeletalAnimation | |
sp::video::DeferredRenderer::SLight | |
sp::tool::LightmapGen::SLight | |
sp::video::D3D11DefaultShader::SConstantBufferLights::SLight | |
sp::video::DeferredRenderer::SLightDesc | |
sp::video::DeferredRenderer::SLightEx | |
sp::tool::LightmapGen::SLightmap | |
sp::tool::SLightmapLight | |
sp::tool::LightmapGen::SLightmapTexel | |
sp::tool::ScriptLoader::SLoopRange | |
sp::video::D3D11DefaultShader::SConstantBufferObject::SMaterial | |
sp::tool::CommandLineUI::SMemento | |
sp::video::MeshBuffer::SMeshBufferBackup | |
sp::scene::SMeshConstruct | Basic meshes construction settings |
sp::scene::SMeshTriangle3D | |
sp::scene::SMeshVertex3D | |
sp::tool::LightmapGen::SModel | |
sp::scene::SMorphTargetVertex | |
sp::video::SMovieSequencePacket | |
sp::network::SNetworkAdapter | Network adapter information structure |
sp::scene::SNodeKeyframe | Stores the transformation and duration for a node animation keyframe |
sp::SoftPixelDevice | SoftPixel Engine device interface |
sp::SoftPixelDeviceAndroid | SoftPixelDevice class for the Google Android platform |
sp::SoftPixelDeviceIOS | SoftPixelDevice class for the Apple iOS platform |
sp::SoftPixelDeviceLinux | SoftPixelDevice class for the GNU/Linux platform |
sp::SoftPixelDeviceMacOSX | SoftPixelDevice class for the Apple Mac OS X platform |
sp::SoftPixelDeviceWin32 | SoftPixelDevice class for the Microsoft(c) Windows(c) platform |
sp::audio::Sound | |
sp::audio::SoundDevice | |
sp::audio::SoundEffect | |
sp::audio::SoundLoader | |
sp::audio::SoundLoaderWAV | |
sp::tool::ScriptLoader::SParameter | |
sp::scene::SceneLoaderSPSB::SParentQueue | |
sp::tool::SParticle | |
sp::physics::SPhysicsJointConstruct | |
sp::math::Spline< C, T, Dimension > | Multi-dimensional spline class |
sp::video::SPrimitiveVertex | Primitive vertex structure used for some 2D drawing functions |
sp::scene::SPrimitiveVertex2D | |
sp::tool::LightmapGen::SRasterizerVertex | |
sp::physics::SRigidBodyConstruction | Rigid body construction data |
sp::video::SShaderConstant | Shader constant (or rather uniform) structure |
sp::video::ShadowMapper::SShadowMap | |
sp::SSharedObjects | |
sp::math::SSplinePolynom< C > | |
sp::scene::SSurfaceVertex | |
sp::physics::StaticPhysicsObject | |
sp::tool::CommandLineUI::STextLine | |
sp::video::STextureCreationFlags | Texture creation flag structure. This will be used to initialize a texture object |
sp::video::D3D11DefaultShader::SConstantBufferSurface::STextureLayer | |
sp::video::STextureLayerModel | |
sp::tool::SToken | Script token structure |
sp::tool::XMLParser::SToken | |
sp::tool::Storyboard | |
sp::tool::StoryboardConsequence | |
sp::scene::Terrain::STreeNodeData | |
sp::scene::STreeNodeTriangleData | |
sp::tool::LightmapGen::STriangle | |
sp::math::STriangleCut | |
sp::tool::MeshBooleanOperator::SModel::STrianglePointDistance | |
sp::io::string< T > | Basic string class. This class wraps the std::string to have better string access |
sp::tool::ScriptFramework::SValue | |
sp::tool::ScriptLoader::SVector | |
sp::tool::ScriptFramework::SVector | |
sp::tool::LightmapGen::SVertex | |
sp::scene::SVertex | |
sp::video::SVertexAttribute | Vertex format attribute structure |
sp::scene::SVertexGroup | |
sp::scene::SVertexKeyframe | Stores the keyframe coordinate and normal for a vertex |
sp::video::SVideoMode | This structure stores the resolution and color depth for a supported video mode |
sp::audio::SWaveFormatFlags | Wave sound format structure |
sp::scene::SWeight | |
sp::tool::SXMLAttribute | |
sp::tool::SXMLTag | |
sp::scene::Terrain | |
sp::video::Texture | |
sp::video::TextureLayer | |
sp::video::TextureLayerRelief | |
sp::video::TextureLayerStandard | |
sp::ThreadManager | Class for managing multi-threaded procedures |
sp::io::Timer | |
sp::tool::TokenParser | |
sp::scene::Transformation2D< T > | |
sp::scene::Transformation3D< T > | |
sp::scene::TreeNode | This is the tree node base class |
sp::dim::triangle3d< T, C > | |
sp::tool::Trigger | |
sp::tool::TriggerCounter | |
sp::tool::TriggerSwitch | |
sp::math::UInt128 | |
sp::dim::UniversalBuffer | |
sp::dim::vector3d< T > | |
sp::dim::vector4d< T > | |
sp::tool::VectorTexture | |
sp::video::VertexFormat | This is the vertex format class which specifies how vertices are stored on the VRAM |
sp::video::VertexFormatDefault | |
sp::video::VertexFormatExtended | |
sp::video::VertexFormatFull | |
sp::video::VertexFormatReduced | |
sp::video::VertexFormatUniversal | |
sp::video::VideoModeEnumerator | |
sp::scene::ViewFrustum | |
sp::tool::WebPageRenderer | |
sp::audio::WinMMSound | |
sp::audio::WinMMSoundDevice | |
sp::audio::XAudio2Sound | |
sp::audio::XAudio2SoundDevice | |
sp::io::XBox360GamePad | |
sp::tool::XMLParser | |