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sp::video::MeshBuffer Class Reference

#include <spMeshBuffer.hpp>

List of all members.


struct  SBuffer
struct  SMeshBufferBackup

Public Member Functions

 MeshBuffer (const video::VertexFormat *VertexFormat=0, ERendererDataTypes IndexFormat=DATATYPE_UNSIGNED_INT)
 MeshBuffer (const MeshBuffer &Other, bool isCreateMeshBuffer=true)
virtual ~MeshBuffer ()
virtual io::stringc getIdentifier () const
 Returns mesh buffer identifier (e.g. 'mesh buffer "test"' or 'anonymous mesh buffer').
MeshBuffergetReference ()
 Returns pointer to the surface reference object if set otherwise zero.
const MeshBuffergetReference () const
 Returns constant pointer to the surface reference object if set otherwise zero.
bool sortCompare (const MeshBuffer &Other) const
bool compare (const MeshBuffer &Other) const
void setVertexFormat (const VertexFormat *Format)
void setIndexFormat (ERendererDataTypes Format)
void saveBackup ()
 Save backup from the current mesh buffer. This can be useful before modifying the vertex- or index format.
void loadBackup ()
 Load backup to the current mesh buffer.
void clearBackup ()
 Clear the mesh buffer backup.
void createVertexBuffer ()
 Creates the hardware vertex buffer.
void createIndexBuffer ()
 Creates the hardware index buffer.
void createMeshBuffer ()
 Creates the hardware vertex- and index buffer.
void deleteVertexBuffer ()
 Deletes the hardware vertex buffer.
void deleteIndexBuffer ()
 Deletes the hardware index buffer.
void deleteMeshBuffer ()
 Deletes the hardware vertex- and index buffer.
void updateVertexBuffer ()
 Updates the hardware vertex buffer or rather uploads the vertex buffer into VRAM.
void updateIndexBuffer ()
 Updates the hardware index buffer or rather uploads the index buffer into VRAM.
void updateMeshBuffer ()
 Updates the hardware vertex- and index buffer.
void updateVertexBufferElement (u32 Index)
 Updates the hardware vertex buffer only for the specified element.
void updateIndexBufferElement (u32 Index)
 Updates the hardware index buffer only for the specified element.
void setPrimitiveType (const ERenderPrimitives Type)
s32 getPrimitiveSize () const
 Returns the primitive size (see the static version of getPrimitiveSize).
bool renderable () const
u32 addVertex ()
void addVertices (const u32 Count)
 Adds the specified amount of new vertices to the vertex buffer.
u32 addVertex (const dim::vector3df &Position, const dim::vector3df &TexCoord=0, const video::color &Color=255)
u32 addVertex (const dim::vector3df &Position, const dim::vector3df &Normal, const dim::vector3df &TexCoord, const video::color &Color=255, const f32 Fog=0.0f)
u32 addVertex (const dim::vector3df &Position, const dim::vector3df &Normal, const std::vector< dim::vector3df > &TexCoordList, const video::color &Color=255, const f32 Fog=0.0f)
u32 addVertex (const scene::SMeshVertex3D &VertexData)
 Adds a vertex with the specified data.
u32 addVertex (u32 IndexA, u32 IndexB, u32 IndexC, const dim::vector3df &BarycentricCoord)
bool removeVertex (const u32 Index)
u32 addTriangle ()
void addTriangles (const u32 Count)
 Adds the specified amount of new triangles to the index buffer.
u32 addTriangle (u32 VertexA, u32 VertexB, u32 VertexC)
u32 addTriangle (const u32 Indices[3])
 Adds a new triangle to the index buffer with the specified indices.
u32 addQuadrangle (u32 VertexA, u32 VertexB, u32 VertexC, u32 VertexD)
u32 addQuadrangle (const u32 Indices[4])
 Adds a new quadrangle to the index buffer with the specified indices.
u32 addPrimitiveIndex (u32 Index)
void addIndices (const u32 Count)
 Adds the specified amount of new indicies to the index buffer.
bool removePrimitive (const u32 Index)
void clearVertices ()
 Deletes all vertices and all indices because the indices will became invalid.
void clearIndices ()
 Deletes all indices.
bool insertMeshBuffer (const MeshBuffer &Other)
void setTriangleIndices (const u32 Index, const u32(&Indices)[3])
void getTriangleIndices (const u32 Index, u32(&Indices)[3]) const
void setPrimitiveIndex (const u32 Index, const u32 VertexIndex)
u32 getPrimitiveIndex (const u32 Index) const
scene::SMeshVertex3D getVertex (const u32 Index) const
 Returns an SMeshVertex3D structure with all available vertex information.
scene::SMeshTriangle3D getTriangle (const u32 Index) const
 Returns an SMeshTriangle3D structure with the three triangle indices.
dim::triangle3df getTriangleCoords (const u32 Index) const
 Returns the coordinates of the specified triangle. Also works when the index buffer is not used.
dim::ptriangle3df getTriangleReference (const u32 Index) const
void flipTriangles ()
 Flips the first index with the last index of each triangle.
bool cutTriangle (const u32 Index, const dim::plane3df &ClipPlane)
 Cuts the specified triangle with the specified clipping plane.
u32 getIndexCount () const
u32 getTriangleCount () const
void setVertexAttribute (const u32 Index, const SVertexAttribute &Attrib, const void *AttribData, u32 Size)
void getVertexAttribute (const u32 Index, const SVertexAttribute &Attrib, void *AttribData, u32 Size)
void setVertexCoord (const u32 Index, const dim::vector3df &Coord)
dim::vector3df getVertexCoord (const u32 Index) const
 Returns the specified vertex coordinate.
void setVertexNormal (const u32 Index, const dim::vector3df &Normal)
dim::vector3df getVertexNormal (const u32 Index) const
 Returns the specified vertex normal.
void setVertexTangent (const u32 Index, const dim::vector3df &Tangent)
dim::vector3df getVertexTangent (const u32 Index) const
 Returns the specified vertex tangent.
void setVertexBinormal (const u32 Index, const dim::vector3df &Binormal)
dim::vector3df getVertexBinormal (const u32 Index) const
 Returns the specified vertex binormal.
void setVertexColor (const u32 Index, const color &Color)
color getVertexColor (const u32 Index) const
 Returns the specified vertex color.
void setVertexTexCoord (const u32 Index, const dim::vector3df &TexCoord, const u8 Layer=TEXTURE_IGNORE)
dim::vector3df getVertexTexCoord (const u32 Index, const u8 Layer=0) const
 Returns the specified texture coordinate for the specified layer.
void setVertexFog (const u32 Index, const f32 FogCoord)
f32 getVertexFog (const u32 Index) const
 Returns the specified fog coordinate.
virtual void updateNormals (const EShadingTypes Shading=SHADING_GOURAUD)
 Updates each normal vector for flat- or gouraud shading.
void updateTangentSpace (const u8 TangentLayer=TEXTURE_IGNORE, const u8 BinormalLayer=TEXTURE_IGNORE, bool UpdateNormals=true)
void meshTranslate (const dim::vector3df &Direction)
 Translates each vertex coordinate in the specified direction.
void meshTransform (const dim::vector3df &Size)
 Transforms each vertex coordinate by multiplying it with the specified size.
void meshTransform (const dim::matrix4f &Matrix)
 Transforms each vertex coordinate by multiplying it with the specified transformation matrix.
void meshTurn (const dim::vector3df &Rotation)
 Turns each vertex coordinate by rotating them with the specified rotation vector. This function performs a YXZ matrix rotation.
void meshFlip ()
 Flips the mesh. i.e. each vertex coordinate will be inverted.
void meshFlip (bool isXAxis, bool isYAxis, bool isZAxis)
 Flips each vertex coordiante only for the specified axles.
void seperateTriangles ()
void paint (const video::color &Color, bool CombineColors=false)
TextureLayeraddTexture (Texture *Tex=0, const u8 Layer=TEXLAYER_LAST, const ETextureLayerTypes LayerType=TEXLAYER_DEFAULT)
template<class T >
T * addTexture (Texture *Tex=0, const u8 Layer=TEXLAYER_LAST)
bool removeTexture (const u8 Layer=TEXLAYER_LAST, bool RemoveLayer=true)
u32 removeTexture (Texture *Tex, bool RemoveLayers=true)
void clearTextureLayers ()
 Clears the texture layer list.
TextureLayergetTextureLayer (const u8 Layer, bool SearchLayerIndex=false) const
void textureTranslate (const u8 Layer, const dim::vector3df &Direction)
void textureTransform (const u8 Layer, const dim::vector3df &Size)
void textureTurn (const u8 Layer, const f32 Rotation)
void setTexture (const u8 Layer, Texture *Tex)
TexturegetTexture (const u8 Layer=0) const
 Returns pointer to the Texture object of the specified layer.
void setTextureMatrix (const u8 Layer, const dim::matrix4f &Matrix)
dim::matrix4f getTextureMatrix (const u8 Layer) const
 Returns texture matrix of the specified layer.
void setTextureEnv (const u8 Layer, const ETextureEnvTypes Type)
ETextureEnvTypes getTextureEnv (const u8 Layer) const
 Returns the texture environment type for the specified layer.
void setMappingGen (const u8 Layer, const EMappingGenTypes Type)
EMappingGenTypes getMappingGen (const u8 Layer) const
 Returns texture mapping generation type of the specified layer.
void setMappingGenCoords (const u8 Layer, s32 Coords)
s32 getMappingGenCoords (const u8 Layer) const
 Returns texture mapping generation axles of the specified layer.
std::vector< Texture * > getTextureList () const
 Returns a list with Pointers of all Texture objects.
void setTexturesReference (MeshBuffer *Reference)
void setTexturesReference (TextureLayerListType *Reference)
void setReference (MeshBuffer *ReferenceSurface)
 Sets a reference. Use this for mesh buffer instancing. By default 0 to disable instancing.
void setHardwareInstancing (s32 InstanceCount)
s32 getHardwareInstancing () const
 Returns the count of instancies for hardware instancing.
void setName (const io::stringc &Name)
 Sets the buffers description name.
const io::stringcgetName () const
 Returns the buffers description name.
void * getVertexBufferID () const
 Returns the hardware vertex buffer id.
void * getIndexBufferID () const
 Returns the hardware index buffer id.
const dim::UniversalBuffergetVertexBuffer () const
 Returns the vertex buffer.
const dim::UniversalBuffergetIndexBuffer () const
 Returns the index buffer.
const VertexFormatgetVertexFormat () const
 Returns the vertex format.
const IndexFormatgetIndexFormat () const
 Returns the index format.
u32 getVertexCount () const
 Returns count of vertices.
void setMeshBufferUsage (const EHWBufferUsage Usage)
 Sets the mesh buffer usage. For more detail see "setVertexBufferUsage".
void setVertexBufferUsage (const EHWBufferUsage Usage)
EHWBufferUsage getVertexBufferUsage () const
 Returns the vertex buffer usage. By default HWBUFFER_STATIC.
void setIndexBufferUsage (const EHWBufferUsage Usage)
 Sets the index buffer usage. For more information see "setVertexBufferUsage".
EHWBufferUsage getIndexBufferUsage () const
 Returns the vertex buffer usage.
void setTextureLayerList (const TextureLayerListType &TextureLayers)
 Sets the texture layer list.
const TextureLayerListTypegetTextureLayerList () const
 Returns the texture layer list.
u32 getTextureCount () const
 Returns count of textures.
bool hasTexturesReference () const
 Returns true if the texture list is a reference to another one.
void setIndexOffset (u32 Offset)
 Sets the index offset which will be added to each vertex index when adding a new triangle.
void addIndexOffset (u32 Offset)
 Increments the index offset which will be added to each vertex index when adding a new triangle.
void setIndexBufferEnable (bool Enable)
bool getIndexBufferEnable () const
 Returns true if the index buffer is to be used. Otherwise false.
void setUpdateImmediate (bool Enable)
bool getUpdateImmediate () const
 Returns status of immediate mesh buffer updating. By defautl false.
ERenderPrimitives getPrimitiveType () const
 Returns the primitive type. By default PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES.

Static Public Member Functions

static s32 getPrimitiveSize (const ERenderPrimitives Type)

Protected Member Functions

void convertVertexAttribute (const dim::UniversalBuffer &OldBuffer, u32 Index, const SVertexAttribute &OldAttrib, const SVertexAttribute &NewAttrib, bool isClamp=true)
void fillVertexAttribute (u32 Index, const SVertexAttribute &Attrib)
void setVertexAttributeBarycentric (u32 IndexResult, u32 IndexA, u32 IndexB, u32 IndexC, const SVertexAttribute &Attrib, const dim::vector3df &BarycentricCoord)
virtual void updateNormalsFlat ()
 TODO! -> move this to a utility or scene:: namespace/ class, whatever!!!
virtual void updateNormalsGouraud ()
 TODO! -> move this to a utility or scene:: namespace/ class, whatever!!!
void checkIndexFormat (ERendererDataTypes &Format)
template<typename T , typename D >
void setDefaultVertexAttribute (const ERendererDataTypes Type, s32 MaxSize, u32 Index, const SVertexAttribute &Attrib, const T &Data)
template<typename T , typename D >
getDefaultVertexAttribute (const ERendererDataTypes Type, s32 MaxSize, u32 Index, const SVertexAttribute &Attrib) const
template<typename T >
void addTriangleIndices (const u32 VertexA, const u32 VertexB, const u32 VertexC)
template<typename T >
void addQuadrangleIndices (const u32 VertexA, const u32 VertexB, const u32 VertexC, const u32 VertexD)

Protected Attributes

io::stringc Name_
SBuffer VertexBuffer_
SBuffer IndexBuffer_
const VertexFormatVertexFormat_
IndexFormat IndexFormat_
TextureLayerListType OrigTextureLayers_
u32 IndexOffset_
s32 InstanceCount_
ERenderPrimitives PrimitiveType_
bool UseIndexBuffer_
bool UpdateImmediate_

Detailed Description

This is the hardware mesh buffer class (also called a "Surface"). Containing a vertex- and index buffer. Since version 2.2 each vertex mesh manipulation such as texturing, vertex- or triangle access is handled by this class.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

sp::video::MeshBuffer::MeshBuffer ( const video::VertexFormat VertexFormat = 0,
ERendererDataTypes  IndexFormat = DATATYPE_UNSIGNED_INT 
sp::video::MeshBuffer::MeshBuffer ( const MeshBuffer Other,
bool  isCreateMeshBuffer = true 
sp::video::MeshBuffer::~MeshBuffer (  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

void sp::video::MeshBuffer::addIndexOffset ( u32  Offset  )  [inline]

Increments the index offset which will be added to each vertex index when adding a new triangle.

void sp::video::MeshBuffer::addIndices ( const u32  Count  ) 

Adds the specified amount of new indicies to the index buffer.

u32 sp::video::MeshBuffer::addPrimitiveIndex ( u32  Index  ) 

Adds a single index to the index buffer.

Change name to "addIndex"
u32 sp::video::MeshBuffer::addQuadrangle ( u32  VertexA,
u32  VertexB,
u32  VertexC,
u32  VertexD 

Adds a new quadrangle to the index buffer. A quadrangle is nothing more than a connection between four vertices.

VertexA,: First vertex index. Affected by the VertexCounter.
VertexB,: Second vertex index. Affected by the VertexCounter.
VertexC,: Third vertex index. Affected by the VertexCounter.
VertexD,: Fourth vertex index. Affected by the VertexCounter.
Quad's index (beginning with 0). If any of the three given indices do not refer to an existing vertex the quadrangle will not be created and the return value is 0.
u32 sp::video::MeshBuffer::addQuadrangle ( const u32  Indices[4]  ) 

Adds a new quadrangle to the index buffer with the specified indices.

template<typename T >
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::addQuadrangleIndices ( const u32  VertexA,
const u32  VertexB,
const u32  VertexC,
const u32  VertexD 
) [inline, protected]
TextureLayer * sp::video::MeshBuffer::addTexture ( Texture Tex = 0,
const u8  Layer = TEXLAYER_LAST,
const ETextureLayerTypes  LayerType = TEXLAYER_DEFAULT 

Adds a new texture layer with the given texture to the list.

[in] Tex Pointer to the texture object which is to be added. By default null.
[in] Layer Specifies the texture layer index.
[in] LayerType Specifies the layer class type. This can only be a pre-defined texture-layer class, i.e. TEXLAYER_CUSTOM is not allowed!
Pointer to the new texture layer or null if the layer type if invalid.
See also:
template<class T >
T* sp::video::MeshBuffer::addTexture ( Texture Tex = 0,
const u8  Layer = TEXLAYER_LAST 
) [inline]

Adds a new texture layer with the given texture to the list.

Template Parameters:
T Specifies the texture-layer class.
[in] Tex Pointer to the texture object which is to be added. By default null.
[in] Layer Specifies the texture layer index.
See also:
u32 sp::video::MeshBuffer::addTriangle (  ) 

Adds a new triangle to the index buffer. A triangle can be seen as a delta connection between three vertices. The indices of this triangle are all 0.

u32 sp::video::MeshBuffer::addTriangle ( u32  VertexA,
u32  VertexB,
u32  VertexC 

Adds a new triangle to the index buffer. A triangle is nothing more than a delta connection between three vertices.

VertexA,: First vertex index. Affected by the VertexCounter.
VertexB,: Second vertex index. Affected by the VertexCounter.
VertexC,: Third vertex index. Affected by the VertexCounter.
Triangle's index (beginning with 0). If any of the three given indices do not refer to an existing vertex the triangle will not be created and the return value is 0.
u32 sp::video::MeshBuffer::addTriangle ( const u32  Indices[3]  ) 

Adds a new triangle to the index buffer with the specified indices.

template<typename T >
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::addTriangleIndices ( const u32  VertexA,
const u32  VertexB,
const u32  VertexC 
) [inline, protected]
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::addTriangles ( const u32  Count  ) 

Adds the specified amount of new triangles to the index buffer.

u32 sp::video::MeshBuffer::addVertex ( u32  IndexA,
u32  IndexB,
u32  IndexC,
const dim::vector3df BarycentricCoord 

Adds a new vertex by interpolating between the three vertices described by the given indices and the given barycentric coordinate.

[in] IndexA Specifies the index of the first vertex.
[in] IndexB Specifies the index of the second vertex.
[in] IndexC Specifies the index of the third vertex.
[in] BarycentricCoord Specifies the barycentric coordinate which is used to interpolate between the three vertices. The sum of a barycentric coordainte must always be 1.0.
Index of the new vertex. Beginning with zero.
Not tested yet!
u32 sp::video::MeshBuffer::addVertex (  ) 

Adds a new vertex to the vertex buffer. A vertex can be seen as a point in 3D space which also have some further information such as color, normal, texture coordinates etc.

u32 sp::video::MeshBuffer::addVertex ( const dim::vector3df Position,
const dim::vector3df TexCoord = 0,
const video::color Color = 255 
Position,: 3D coordiante. A left-handed coordinate system is used like in the whole engine.
TexCoord,: Texture coordinate which is used for each texture layer.
Color,: Specifies the vertex color.
Vertex index (beginning with 0).
u32 sp::video::MeshBuffer::addVertex ( const dim::vector3df Position,
const dim::vector3df Normal,
const dim::vector3df TexCoord,
const video::color Color = 255,
const f32  Fog = 0.0f 
Normal,: Normal for the vertex. This normal vector will not be normalized.
Fog,: Fog coordinate. This is only supported with OpenGL.
u32 sp::video::MeshBuffer::addVertex ( const dim::vector3df Position,
const dim::vector3df Normal,
const std::vector< dim::vector3df > &  TexCoordList,
const video::color Color = 255,
const f32  Fog = 0.0f 
TexCoordList,: List of all texture coordinates.
u32 sp::video::MeshBuffer::addVertex ( const scene::SMeshVertex3D VertexData  ) 

Adds a vertex with the specified data.

void sp::video::MeshBuffer::addVertices ( const u32  Count  ) 

Adds the specified amount of new vertices to the vertex buffer.

void sp::video::MeshBuffer::checkIndexFormat ( ERendererDataTypes Format  )  [protected]
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::clearBackup (  ) 

Clear the mesh buffer backup.

void sp::video::MeshBuffer::clearIndices (  ) 

Deletes all indices.

void sp::video::MeshBuffer::clearTextureLayers (  ) 

Clears the texture layer list.

void sp::video::MeshBuffer::clearVertices (  ) 

Deletes all vertices and all indices because the indices will became invalid.

bool sp::video::MeshBuffer::compare ( const MeshBuffer Other  )  const

Compares this mesh buffer with the given mesh buffer.

True if the surface (textures, vertex- and index format) of this mesh buffer and the given mesh buffer are equal.
See also:
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::convertVertexAttribute ( const dim::UniversalBuffer OldBuffer,
u32  Index,
const SVertexAttribute OldAttrib,
const SVertexAttribute NewAttrib,
bool  isClamp = true 
) [protected]
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::createIndexBuffer (  ) 

Creates the hardware index buffer.

void sp::video::MeshBuffer::createMeshBuffer (  ) 

Creates the hardware vertex- and index buffer.

void sp::video::MeshBuffer::createVertexBuffer (  ) 

Creates the hardware vertex buffer.

bool sp::video::MeshBuffer::cutTriangle ( const u32  Index,
const dim::plane3df ClipPlane 

Cuts the specified triangle with the specified clipping plane.

void sp::video::MeshBuffer::deleteIndexBuffer (  ) 

Deletes the hardware index buffer.

void sp::video::MeshBuffer::deleteMeshBuffer (  ) 

Deletes the hardware vertex- and index buffer.

void sp::video::MeshBuffer::deleteVertexBuffer (  ) 

Deletes the hardware vertex buffer.

void sp::video::MeshBuffer::fillVertexAttribute ( u32  Index,
const SVertexAttribute Attrib 
) [protected]
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::flipTriangles (  ) 

Flips the first index with the last index of each triangle.

template<typename T , typename D >
T sp::video::MeshBuffer::getDefaultVertexAttribute ( const ERendererDataTypes  Type,
s32  MaxSize,
u32  Index,
const SVertexAttribute Attrib 
) const [inline, protected]
s32 sp::video::MeshBuffer::getHardwareInstancing (  )  const [inline]

Returns the count of instancies for hardware instancing.

io::stringc sp::video::MeshBuffer::getIdentifier (  )  const [virtual]

Returns mesh buffer identifier (e.g. 'mesh buffer "test"' or 'anonymous mesh buffer').

const dim::UniversalBuffer& sp::video::MeshBuffer::getIndexBuffer (  )  const [inline]

Returns the index buffer.

bool sp::video::MeshBuffer::getIndexBufferEnable (  )  const [inline]

Returns true if the index buffer is to be used. Otherwise false.

void* sp::video::MeshBuffer::getIndexBufferID (  )  const [inline]

Returns the hardware index buffer id.

EHWBufferUsage sp::video::MeshBuffer::getIndexBufferUsage (  )  const [inline]

Returns the vertex buffer usage.

u32 sp::video::MeshBuffer::getIndexCount (  )  const

Returns the count of indices.

This is the count of vertices if the index buffer is disabled!
const IndexFormat* sp::video::MeshBuffer::getIndexFormat (  )  const [inline]

Returns the index format.

EMappingGenTypes sp::video::MeshBuffer::getMappingGen ( const u8  Layer  )  const

Returns texture mapping generation type of the specified layer.

s32 sp::video::MeshBuffer::getMappingGenCoords ( const u8  Layer  )  const

Returns texture mapping generation axles of the specified layer.

const io::stringc& sp::video::MeshBuffer::getName (  )  const [inline]

Returns the buffers description name.

u32 sp::video::MeshBuffer::getPrimitiveIndex ( const u32  Index  )  const

Returns the vertex index of the specified primitive index.

Index,: Specifies the primitive index (e.g. when adding a triangle three indices will be added).
Vertex index from the index buffer at the specified position.
The returned index is (Index) if the index buffer is disabled!
s32 sp::video::MeshBuffer::getPrimitiveSize ( const ERenderPrimitives  Type  )  [static]

Returns the primitive size. If the primitive type is PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES the size is 3. If the primitive type is PRIMITIVE_QUADS the size is 4 etc.

Type,: Specifies the primitive type.
s32 sp::video::MeshBuffer::getPrimitiveSize (  )  const

Returns the primitive size (see the static version of getPrimitiveSize).

ERenderPrimitives sp::video::MeshBuffer::getPrimitiveType (  )  const [inline]

Returns the primitive type. By default PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES.

MeshBuffer * sp::video::MeshBuffer::getReference (  ) 

Returns pointer to the surface reference object if set otherwise zero.

const MeshBuffer * sp::video::MeshBuffer::getReference (  )  const

Returns constant pointer to the surface reference object if set otherwise zero.

Texture * sp::video::MeshBuffer::getTexture ( const u8  Layer = 0  )  const

Returns pointer to the Texture object of the specified layer.

u32 sp::video::MeshBuffer::getTextureCount (  )  const [inline]

Returns count of textures.

ETextureEnvTypes sp::video::MeshBuffer::getTextureEnv ( const u8  Layer  )  const

Returns the texture environment type for the specified layer.

TextureLayer * sp::video::MeshBuffer::getTextureLayer ( const u8  Layer,
bool  SearchLayerIndex = false 
) const

Returns the texture layer object with the specified layer index.

[in] Layer Specifies the index for the texture layer which is to be returned.
[in] SearchLayerIndex Specifies whether the layer index is to be interpreted as texture-layer index or array index from the texture-layer list. By default the index is interpreted as array-index. Otherwise the texture-layer with the same layer index must be searched - which is much slower!
This function uses the current texture-layer reference. By default this is the original texture layer for this mesh buffer.
const TextureLayerListType& sp::video::MeshBuffer::getTextureLayerList (  )  const [inline]

Returns the texture layer list.

std::vector< Texture * > sp::video::MeshBuffer::getTextureList (  )  const

Returns a list with Pointers of all Texture objects.

dim::matrix4f sp::video::MeshBuffer::getTextureMatrix ( const u8  Layer  )  const

Returns texture matrix of the specified layer.

scene::SMeshTriangle3D sp::video::MeshBuffer::getTriangle ( const u32  Index  )  const

Returns an SMeshTriangle3D structure with the three triangle indices.

dim::triangle3df sp::video::MeshBuffer::getTriangleCoords ( const u32  Index  )  const

Returns the coordinates of the specified triangle. Also works when the index buffer is not used.

u32 sp::video::MeshBuffer::getTriangleCount (  )  const

Returns the count of triangles (or rather count of indices divided by 3).

This is the count of vertices (divided by 3) if the index buffer is disabled!
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::getTriangleIndices ( const u32  Index,
u32(&)  Indices[3] 
) const

Returns the indices of the specified triangle.

Index,: Specifies the triangle index (position for the index buffer multiplied by 3).
Indices,: Array where the 3 indices are to be stored.
The returned indices are (Index*3, Index*3 + 1, Index*3 + 2) if the index buffer is disabled!
dim::ptriangle3df sp::video::MeshBuffer::getTriangleReference ( const u32  Index  )  const


Returns the coordinates of the specified triangle as a reference.

bool sp::video::MeshBuffer::getUpdateImmediate (  )  const [inline]

Returns status of immediate mesh buffer updating. By defautl false.

scene::SMeshVertex3D sp::video::MeshBuffer::getVertex ( const u32  Index  )  const

Returns an SMeshVertex3D structure with all available vertex information.

void sp::video::MeshBuffer::getVertexAttribute ( const u32  Index,
const SVertexAttribute Attrib,
void *  AttribData,
u32  Size 

Gets the specifies vertex attribute data.

Index,: Specifies the vertex index.
Attrib,: Specifies the vertex attribute. For more information see "setVertexAttribute".
AttribData,: Pointer to the buffer where the vertex attribute data is to be stored.
Size,: Data size in bytes of the "AttribData" buffer.
dim::vector3df sp::video::MeshBuffer::getVertexBinormal ( const u32  Index  )  const

Returns the specified vertex binormal.

const dim::UniversalBuffer& sp::video::MeshBuffer::getVertexBuffer (  )  const [inline]

Returns the vertex buffer.

void* sp::video::MeshBuffer::getVertexBufferID (  )  const [inline]

Returns the hardware vertex buffer id.

EHWBufferUsage sp::video::MeshBuffer::getVertexBufferUsage (  )  const [inline]

Returns the vertex buffer usage. By default HWBUFFER_STATIC.

color sp::video::MeshBuffer::getVertexColor ( const u32  Index  )  const

Returns the specified vertex color.

dim::vector3df sp::video::MeshBuffer::getVertexCoord ( const u32  Index  )  const

Returns the specified vertex coordinate.

u32 sp::video::MeshBuffer::getVertexCount (  )  const [inline]

Returns count of vertices.

f32 sp::video::MeshBuffer::getVertexFog ( const u32  Index  )  const

Returns the specified fog coordinate.

const VertexFormat* sp::video::MeshBuffer::getVertexFormat (  )  const [inline]

Returns the vertex format.

dim::vector3df sp::video::MeshBuffer::getVertexNormal ( const u32  Index  )  const

Returns the specified vertex normal.

dim::vector3df sp::video::MeshBuffer::getVertexTangent ( const u32  Index  )  const

Returns the specified vertex tangent.

dim::vector3df sp::video::MeshBuffer::getVertexTexCoord ( const u32  Index,
const u8  Layer = 0 
) const

Returns the specified texture coordinate for the specified layer.

bool sp::video::MeshBuffer::hasTexturesReference (  )  const [inline]

Returns true if the texture list is a reference to another one.

bool sp::video::MeshBuffer::insertMeshBuffer ( const MeshBuffer Other  ) 

Inserts (or rather adds) the given mesh buffer to this mesh buffer, i.e. all vertices and indices will be copied. You still have to update the mesh buffer after inserting it.

True if the new mesh buffer could be inserted successful. Otherwise false.
You can only insert/ add mesh buffers when they have the same structure. use the "compare" function to check this equality.
See also:
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::loadBackup (  ) 

Load backup to the current mesh buffer.

void sp::video::MeshBuffer::meshFlip (  ) 

Flips the mesh. i.e. each vertex coordinate will be inverted.

void sp::video::MeshBuffer::meshFlip ( bool  isXAxis,
bool  isYAxis,
bool  isZAxis 

Flips each vertex coordiante only for the specified axles.

void sp::video::MeshBuffer::meshTransform ( const dim::vector3df Size  ) 

Transforms each vertex coordinate by multiplying it with the specified size.

void sp::video::MeshBuffer::meshTransform ( const dim::matrix4f Matrix  ) 

Transforms each vertex coordinate by multiplying it with the specified transformation matrix.

void sp::video::MeshBuffer::meshTranslate ( const dim::vector3df Direction  ) 

Translates each vertex coordinate in the specified direction.

void sp::video::MeshBuffer::meshTurn ( const dim::vector3df Rotation  ) 

Turns each vertex coordinate by rotating them with the specified rotation vector. This function performs a YXZ matrix rotation.

void sp::video::MeshBuffer::paint ( const video::color Color,
bool  CombineColors = false 

Paints each vertex with the specified color.

Color,: Specifies the color which is to be painted.
CombineColors,: Specifies whether the color is to be multiplied with each vertex color or not.
bool sp::video::MeshBuffer::removePrimitive ( const u32  Index  ) 

Removes the specified primitive. If the primitive type is PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES three indices will be removed. If the primitive type is PRIMITIVE_QUADS four indices will be removed etc.

Index,: Specifies the primitive index. For triangles the index will be multiplied by 3, for quads it will be multiplied by four etc.
True if the primitive was removed successful.
u32 sp::video::MeshBuffer::removeTexture ( Texture Tex,
bool  RemoveLayers = true 

Removes the specified texture for each layer which holds it.

[in] Tex Pointer to the texture which is to be removed. This may also be null which removes all texture layers which do not hold a texture.
[in] RemoveLayers Specifies whether the texture layers are to be removed or only the textures from the layers. By default also the texture layers will be removed.
Count of removed textures.
bool sp::video::MeshBuffer::removeTexture ( const u8  Layer = TEXLAYER_LAST,
bool  RemoveLayer = true 

Removes the texture from the specified layer index.

[in] Layer Specifies the layer index from which the texture is to be removed. By default the last texture layer is used (TEXLAYER_LAST).
[in] RemoveLayer Specifies whether also the texture-layer is to be removed. By default true.
True if the specified texture could be removed. Otherwise there is no texture layer with the specified layer index.
bool sp::video::MeshBuffer::removeVertex ( const u32  Index  ) 

Removes the specified vertex.

This function also removes all triangles which are connected to the specified vertex. Therefore removing lots of vertices with this function can be time consuming!
True if the specified vertex could be removed.
bool sp::video::MeshBuffer::renderable (  )  const

Returns true if rendering this mesh buffer has any effect. False otherwise when the count of indices are 0 or index buffer is used but count of vertices are 0.

A mesh buffer is also only renderable if "updateVertexBuffer" or "updateMeshBuffer" has been called previously at least once. When the index buffer is used "updateIndexBuffer" or "updateMeshBuffer" must have been called as well.
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::saveBackup (  ) 

Save backup from the current mesh buffer. This can be useful before modifying the vertex- or index format.

void sp::video::MeshBuffer::seperateTriangles (  ) 

Seperates concatenated triangles.

Can only be used when the index buffer is enabled!
template<typename T , typename D >
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::setDefaultVertexAttribute ( const ERendererDataTypes  Type,
s32  MaxSize,
u32  Index,
const SVertexAttribute Attrib,
const T &  Data 
) [inline, protected]
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::setHardwareInstancing ( s32  InstanceCount  )  [inline]

Sets the count of instances for hardware instancing. To check if hardware instancing is supported call "RenderSystem::queryVideoSupport" with parameter "video::QUERY_HARDWARE_INSTANCING".

InstanceCount,: Specifies the count of instancies. If this parameters smaller or equal to 1 hardware instancing will be disabled.
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::setIndexBufferEnable ( bool  Enable  )  [inline]

Enables or disables the vertex buffer. If disabled the mesh buffer will be rendered as an array of vertices only. By default enabled.

The behaviour of some functions which are dealing with the indices may be different when the index buffer is disabled! Also note that it's better for performance to make use of the index buffer to have less vertices.
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::setIndexBufferUsage ( const EHWBufferUsage  Usage  )  [inline]

Sets the index buffer usage. For more information see "setVertexBufferUsage".

void sp::video::MeshBuffer::setIndexFormat ( ERendererDataTypes  Format  ) 

Sets the new index format. This function is very slow and should never be used inside a render loop. Software as well as hardware index buffer will be recreated.

Format,: Specifies the new index format. Only the following values are valid: ATTRIBUTE_UNSIGNED_BYTE, ATTRIBUTE_UNSIGNED_SHORT and ATTRIBUTE_USNIGNED_INT. The default value is ATTRIBUTE_USNIGNED_INT.
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::setIndexOffset ( u32  Offset  )  [inline]

Sets the index offset which will be added to each vertex index when adding a new triangle.

void sp::video::MeshBuffer::setMappingGen ( const u8  Layer,
const EMappingGenTypes  Type 

Sets the texture mapping generation type. This specifies if and how the texture coordinates are to be automatically generated. This can be used for "sphere-mapping" for example (video::MAPGEN_SPHERE_MAP). The value "video::MAPGEN_DISABLE" disables the auto. generation and the originally stored texture coordinates will be used for texture mapping. The specified texture coordinates of each vertex will not get lost when auto. generation was used because this process will be performed in real-time on the GPU.

Layer,: Specifies the texture layer.
Type,: Mapping generation type.
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::setMappingGenCoords ( const u8  Layer,
s32  Coords 

Sets the texture mapping generation axles which are affected by auto. mapping generation. e.g. for "sphere-mapping" the axles "S" and "T" are need to be used. In texture space the axles are called S, T, R and Q. Which represent X, Y, Z and W.

Layer,: Specifies the texture layer.
Coords,: This is a flags parameter so several values can be combined. e.g. for "sphere-mapping" the following combination has to be used: video::MAPGEN_S | video::MAPGEN_T. But you don't need to call this function to use "sphere-mapping". "setMappingGen" will automatically configure the right axles. Only use this function to configure this feature in more detail for your own purposes.
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::setMeshBufferUsage ( const EHWBufferUsage  Usage  )  [inline]

Sets the mesh buffer usage. For more detail see "setVertexBufferUsage".

void sp::video::MeshBuffer::setName ( const io::stringc Name  )  [inline]

Sets the buffers description name.

void sp::video::MeshBuffer::setPrimitiveIndex ( const u32  Index,
const u32  VertexIndex 

Sets the vertex index for the specified primitive index.

Index,: Specifies the primitive index (e.g. when adding a triangle three indices will be added).
VertexIndex,: Specifies the new vertex index which is to be set.
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::setPrimitiveType ( const ERenderPrimitives  Type  ) 

Sets the primitive type. By default PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES. There are some types which are only supported by OpenGL which are: PRIMITIVE_LINE_LOOP, PRIMITIVE_QUADS, PRIMITIVE_QUAD_STRIP and PRIMITIVE_POLYGON.

void sp::video::MeshBuffer::setReference ( MeshBuffer ReferenceSurface  )  [inline]

Sets a reference. Use this for mesh buffer instancing. By default 0 to disable instancing.

void sp::video::MeshBuffer::setTexture ( const u8  Layer,
Texture Tex 

Sets the new texture.

Layer,: Specifies the texture layer.
Tex,: Pointer to the new Texture object (must not be 0).
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::setTextureEnv ( const u8  Layer,
const ETextureEnvTypes  Type 

Sets the texture environment type. Usefull for detailmaps for example (video::TEXENV_ADDSIGNED). It configures how the texels shall be rendered onto the mesh and/or how they are to be combined with the previous texel.

Type,: Environment type.
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::setTextureLayerList ( const TextureLayerListType TextureLayers  )  [inline]

Sets the texture layer list.

void sp::video::MeshBuffer::setTextureMatrix ( const u8  Layer,
const dim::matrix4f Matrix 

Sets the texture matrix.

Layer,: Specifies the texture layer.
Matrix,: New matrix transformation. This is a 4x4 matrix but a transformation for a 2D texture normally should be limited to X-/ Y axle transformations and Z axis rotations. For this useful are functions like "matrix4::setTextureRotation".
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::setTexturesReference ( MeshBuffer Reference  ) 

Sets the reference to the surface texture list.

[in] Reference Specifies the MeshBuffer object where its texture list will be used as reference. If 0 the original texture list will be used which is the default configuration.
There is no "getTexturesReference". Use the "getTextureLayerList" function to get the current used texture list. Or use "hasTexturesReference" to determine if a reference is used.
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::setTexturesReference ( TextureLayerListType Reference  ) 

Sets the reference to the surface texture list. Use this if you want to use the same texture list for several surfaces. This can be usful for terrains where every terrain patch has the same textures.

[in] Reference Pointer to an TextureLayerListType object.
See also:
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::setTriangleIndices ( const u32  Index,
const u32(&)  Indices[3] 

Sets the indices of the specified triangle.

Index,: Specifies the triangle index (position for the index buffer multiplied by 3).
Indices,: Array with the 3 indices which are to be set.
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::setUpdateImmediate ( bool  Enable  )  [inline]

Enables or disables updating mesh buffer immediatly. By default disabled.

Enable,: If true each vertex manipulation will be updated immediatly. This is very fast when just changing a few vertices in a large mesh. But when the model has a MorphTarget- or SkeletalAnimation it should be disabled.
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::setVertexAttribute ( const u32  Index,
const SVertexAttribute Attrib,
const void *  AttribData,
u32  Size 

Sets the specifies vertex attribute data. This can be used when you want to set the data for a vertex attribute with an unconventional data type. Actually a vertex coordinate in the SPE is always a 3 component 32bit floating-point vector. If you created your own vertex format where the coordinate is stored in form of a 3 component 16bit integer vector you need to use this function to set the attribute data.

Index,: Specifies the vertex index.
Attrib,: Specifies the vertex attribute which is to be set (e.g. "myVertexFormat->getCoord()" or "myVertexFormat->getUniversals()[0]").
AttribData,: Pointer to the attribue data which is to be set (e.g. "&myVector.X").
Size,: Data size in bytes (e.g. "sizeof(myVector)").
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::setVertexAttributeBarycentric ( u32  IndexResult,
u32  IndexA,
u32  IndexB,
u32  IndexC,
const SVertexAttribute Attrib,
const dim::vector3df BarycentricCoord 
) [protected]
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::setVertexBinormal ( const u32  Index,
const dim::vector3df Binormal 

Sets the specified vertex binormal.

Index,: Specifies the vertex index.
Binormal,: Specifies the binormal vector which is to be set. This vector will not be normalized.
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::setVertexBufferUsage ( const EHWBufferUsage  Usage  )  [inline]

Sets the vertex buffer usage. Use this to optimize usage on VRAM. If you have an animated mesh use the dynamic configuration. If you have a static mesh use the static configuration. By default static.

See also:
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::setVertexColor ( const u32  Index,
const color Color 

Sets the specified vertex color.

Index,: Specifies the vertex index.
Color,: Specifies the vertex color which is to be set.
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::setVertexCoord ( const u32  Index,
const dim::vector3df Coord 

Sets the specified vertex coordinate.

Index,: Specifies the vertex index.
Coord,: Specifies the vertex coordinate which is to be set.
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::setVertexFog ( const u32  Index,
const f32  FogCoord 

Sets the specified vertex fog coordinate. Fog coordinates are only visible with OpenGL if the fog is volumetric (FOG_VOLUMETRIC).

Index,: Specifies the vertex index.
FogCoord,: Specifies the fog coordinate which is to be set.
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::setVertexFormat ( const VertexFormat Format  ) 

Sets the new vertex format. This function is very slow and should never be used inside a render loop. Software as well as hardware vertex buffer will be recreated.

Format,: Specifies the new vertex format. If it's null this call has no effect. The default vertex format is an instance of the class "DefaultVertexFormat". The previous vertex format will not be deleted. If you set a new vertex format you need to delete it self when your program ends!
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::setVertexNormal ( const u32  Index,
const dim::vector3df Normal 

Sets the specified vertex normal. Normals are important for lighting calculations.

Index,: Specifies the vertex index.
Normal,: Specifies the normal vector which is to be set. This vector will not be normalized. The GPU will perform normalization in real-time. So normalize the vector before setting it or do it in your shader program.
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::setVertexTangent ( const u32  Index,
const dim::vector3df Tangent 

Sets the specified vertex tangent. Tangent vectors are used for normal mapping effects like bump- or parallax mapping.

Index,: Specifies the vertex index.
Tangent,: Specifies the tangent vector which is to be set. This vector will not be normalized.
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::setVertexTexCoord ( const u32  Index,
const dim::vector3df TexCoord,
const u8  Layer = TEXTURE_IGNORE 

Sets the specified vertex texture coordinate.

Index,: Specifies the vertex index.
TexCoord,: Specifies the texture coordinate which is to be set.
Layer,: Specifies the texture layer. By default TEXTURE_IGNORE which means that each layer will be used.
bool sp::video::MeshBuffer::sortCompare ( const MeshBuffer Other  )  const

Compares this mesh buffer with the given mesh buffer on their surfaces. This is used to sort and then merge a list of mesh buffers.

True if the surface (textures, vertex- and index format) of this mesh buffer and the given mesh buffer are unequal. If they are euqal the return value is false.
The return value is false if the surfaces are equal. That is because in that case the sort algorithm don't exchange the current two elements in the list.
See also:
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::textureTransform ( const u8  Layer,
const dim::vector3df Size 

Transforms each texture coordinate with the specified size.

Layer,: Specifies the texture layer.
Size,: Specifies the 2D factor which will be multiplied with each texture coordinate.
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::textureTranslate ( const u8  Layer,
const dim::vector3df Direction 

Translates each texture coordinate in the specified direction.

Layer,: Specifies the texture layer.
Direction,: 2D vector in which direction the texture coordinates are to be translated.
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::textureTurn ( const u8  Layer,
const f32  Rotation 

Rotates each texture coordinate. This is a matrix rotation around the Z-Axis.

Layer,: Specifies the texture layer.
Rotation,: Specifies the rotation angle. This is in degree. To work with radian use the "math::Radian" class and call the "getDegree()" function.
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::updateIndexBuffer (  ) 

Updates the hardware index buffer or rather uploads the index buffer into VRAM.

void sp::video::MeshBuffer::updateIndexBufferElement ( u32  Index  ) 

Updates the hardware index buffer only for the specified element.

void sp::video::MeshBuffer::updateMeshBuffer (  ) 

Updates the hardware vertex- and index buffer.

void sp::video::MeshBuffer::updateNormals ( const EShadingTypes  Shading = SHADING_GOURAUD  )  [virtual]

Updates each normal vector for flat- or gouraud shading.

void sp::video::MeshBuffer::updateNormalsFlat (  )  [protected, virtual]

TODO! -> move this to a utility or scene:: namespace/ class, whatever!!!

void sp::video::MeshBuffer::updateNormalsGouraud (  )  [protected, virtual]

TODO! -> move this to a utility or scene:: namespace/ class, whatever!!!

void sp::video::MeshBuffer::updateTangentSpace ( const u8  TangentLayer = TEXTURE_IGNORE,
const u8  BinormalLayer = TEXTURE_IGNORE,
bool  UpdateNormals = true 

Updates the tangent space (i.e. tangent- and binormal vectors for each vertex). This function stores the computed vectors in the specified texture coordinates to use them in your shader programs. Direct3D11 can use the special tangent and binormal vectors.

TangentLayer,: Texture layer for the tangent vector.
BinormalLayer,: Texture layer for the binormal vector.
UpdateNormals,: Specifies whether the normal vectors are also to be updated or not.
void sp::video::MeshBuffer::updateVertexBuffer (  ) 

Updates the hardware vertex buffer or rather uploads the vertex buffer into VRAM.

void sp::video::MeshBuffer::updateVertexBufferElement ( u32  Index  ) 

Updates the hardware vertex buffer only for the specified element.

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