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Features |
With the SoftPixel Engine you can handle many objects in the 3d space. Cameras, lights, terrains, sprites and
entities are supported. In OpenGL it is very circuitous to locate a camera but with this
fast realtime 3d engine you can handle those things very easily. To load textures in OpenGL with different
file-formats you must read the files basically manual. This engine assumes that for you with 1000 of lines of code but
you only need to call "loadTexture", isn`t it great :-)
Here are a detailed list of features of the SoftPixel Engine:
General Features |
1D-, 2D-, 3D- and Cube Textures.
Individual and completely configurable MultiTexturing.
Single- and Multi- RenderTargets.
AntiAliasing and MultiSampling.
Level-Of-Detail (LOD) meshes.
Full Shader support for GLSL, HLSL and Cg.
Geometry- and Tessellation shaders.
Software- and Hardware Instancing.
MorphTarget Animation for scene nodes and vertices.
SkeletalAnimation with individual Bone access.
Several SceneGraphs.
Several scene nodes: Meshes, Terrains, Billoards etc.
Completely configurable MeshBuffer Format.
Static- and Dynamic CubeMaps.
Loader for lots of common 2D- and 3D File Formats.
Lots of 2D drawing functions.
Integrated PhysicsEngine using NewtonGameDynamics or NVIDIA PhysX.
Integrated CollisionSystem for collision detection, resolving and picking.
Integrated SoundSystem.
Integrated NetworkSystem.
Integrated Toolsets with LightmapGeneration, Geometry Boolean Operator, ScriptFramework and more.
Integrated ParticleSystem.
Supported Render Systems |
OpenGL 1.1 - 4.1
Fast rendering with OpenGL is possible. Vertex-/ Index- and FrameBufferObjects are supported for optimal hardware acceleration.
Shader with GLSL and ARB Vertex and Fragment programs are also supported. Tessellation shader using OpenGL 4 is still in development.
OpenGL|ES (experimental):
OpenGL|ES 1.0, 1.1 & 2.0
Since SoftPixel Engine - v.3.1 OpenGL|ES is supported for Android and iOS.
Vertex- and IndexBuffer are also supported using Direct3D9. There are RenderTargets and Shader with HLSL and
Vertex- and Pixel programs as well.
Direct3D11 (still in development)
All shader types (including Vertex-, Pixel-, Geometry-, Hull-, Domain- and Compute Shader) are supported using Direct3D11.
2D drawing is currently not available with D3D11 and some other features are still in progress ...
Supported Sound Systems |
OpenAL 1.1
For all platforms there is support for the OpenAL audio system. Make use of the real-time sound effects.
There is only a WAV file loader for this sound system yet.
An Ogg Vorbis audio stream player will follow ...
OpenSL|ES (still in progress):
OpenSL|ES 1.1
For Android there is support for the OpenSL|ES audio acceleration.
Windows Multi Media System
For Windows there is support for the old but still sufficient WindowsMultiMedia system.
Supported Platforms |
Linux 32-bit
Linux 64-bit
Under Linux the SoftPixel Engine needs running an
X Server to work.
Google Android: (experimental)
at least Android 1.5 "Cupcake"
For Android there is support for the OpenGL|ES renderer, OpenSL|ES audio acceleration, multi-touch and much more.
To develop for Android using the SoftPixel Engine you will need the Android SDK and
Android NDK. If you want to develop with VisualStudio 2010
for Android you have to download vs-android.
This platform support is currently only experimental and you should have a good experience in the development with the Android NDK!
Apple iOS: (experimental)
at least iOS 4.0
For iOS there is support for the OpenGL|ES renderer. Further features will follow ...
To develop for iOS using the SoftPixel Engine you will need at least: an Intel based Mac,
Mac OS X Snow Leopard and
Xcode 3 with the iOS SDK. To test your Apps on your real iDevice and to later publish them on the
App Store you also need a paid Apple
iOS Developer Program account.
This platform support is currently only experimental!
Integrated Libraries and Toolkits |
Newton Game Dynamics:
Newton Game Dynamics™ 2.29 Copyright © 2003-2008 by Julio Jerez and Alain Suero
Since SoftPixel Engine version 3.0 the Newton Game Dynamics physics library has been integrated.
PhysX: (experimental)
PhysX® 2.8.1 Copyright © 2001-2011 by NVIDIA Corporation
Since SoftPixel Engine version 3.2 the PhysX engine for physics simulation has been integrated.
This feature is not fully supported and currently only for experimental use ...
Cg Toolkit:
Cg Toolkit® 3.1 Copyright © 2001-2011 by NVIDIA Corporation
Since SoftPixel Engine version 3.1 the Cg Toolkit for renderer independent shader progamming has been integrated.
OpenCL™ 1.1
Since SoftPixel Engine version 3.2 OpenCL for GPGPU (general purpose programming on graphics processing units) has been integrated.
Supported File Formats |
- Windows Bitmaps (BMP, DIB) [r/w]
- Joint Photographic Experts (JPG, JPEG, JPE, JFIF) [r]
- Truevision Targa (TGA, TPCI) [r]
- Portable Network Graphics (PNG) [r]
- Picture Exchange (PCX) [r]
- Where is All the Data (WAD) (WAD2 & WAD3) [r]
- Direct Draw Surface (DDS) [r]
- SoftPixel Mesh (SPM) [r/w]
- 3D Studio (3DS) [r]
- DirectX (X) (text only) [r]
- Milkshape 3D (MS3D) (binary only) [r]
- BlitzBasic3D (B3D) [r/w]
- Quake 2 Model (MD2) [r]
- Quake III Arena Model (MD3) [r]
- Wavefront Object (OBJ) [r/w]
- SoftPixel Sandbox Scene Files (SPSB) [r]
- Quake III Arena map (BSP3) [r]
- Quake 1 / Half-Life 1 / Counter-Strike 1.0 - 1.6 map (BSP1) (incomplete) [r]
- RIFF Wave (WAV) (uncompressed only) [r]
- Audio Video Interleave (AVI) [r]
The WinMM sound system is able to load all common audio file formats: MP3, WAV, OGG etc.