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Lukas Hermanns (LukasBanana):
Creator of the SoftPixel Engine
Student at the Technical University of Darmstadt
in Computer Science and student assistant at the Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research.
Lukas begun the project at the 3rd January 2008.
Now this application has over 175,000 LoC! With the help of many OpenGL tutorials and
some forums he could write an extensive 3d engine. The main reason why he begun this project was the
disappointing few 2d functions in all the other graphics libraries for C++ (much 3d functionality but few in 2d).
Special thanks to |
Nox |
Help for thread-safe programming in spieleprogrammierer.de forum |
soulcon |
Created the C# wrapper |
Mark Jackson (KronosUK) |
Created the BlitzMax wrapper |
Rafael Navega (Kryzon) |
Extended the BlitzMax wrapper |
Michael Kenzel (dot) |
Help in spieleprogrammierer.de forum |
Benedikt Eggers (Jo0oker) |
Wrapper support for C# |
Daniel Obermeier (Jilocasin) |
Help in several things: Web Domain, Logos, Multimedia |
Stephen Schmidt |
Help in mathematical basics like vector arithmetic |
Ilir Nuhiu |
Help with making the project better known |