This is the complete list of members for
sp::video::VertexFormatReduced, including all inherited members.
addComponentFormatSize(u32 &Size, const SVertexAttribute &Attrib) const | sp::video::VertexFormat | [protected] |
addFlag(const EVertexFormatFlags Flag) | sp::video::VertexFormat | [inline, protected] |
Binormal_ | sp::video::VertexFormat | [protected] |
Color_ | sp::video::VertexFormat | [protected] |
constructComponent(const EVertexFormatFlags Type, SVertexAttribute &Attrib, s32 &Offset, s32 MinSize, s32 MaxSize) | sp::video::VertexFormat | [protected] |
constructFormat() | sp::video::VertexFormat | [protected, virtual] |
Coord_ | sp::video::VertexFormat | [protected] |
Direct3D11RenderSystem class | sp::video::VertexFormat | [friend] |
Direct3D11Shader class | sp::video::VertexFormat | [friend] |
Flags_ | sp::video::VertexFormat | [protected] |
FogCoord_ | sp::video::VertexFormat | [protected] |
getBinormal() const | sp::video::VertexFormat | [inline] |
getColor() const | sp::video::VertexFormat | [inline] |
getCoord() const | sp::video::VertexFormat | [inline] |
getDataTypeSize(const ERendererDataTypes Type) | sp::video::VertexFormat | [static] |
getFlags() const | sp::video::VertexFormat | [inline] |
getFogCoord() const | sp::video::VertexFormat | [inline] |
getFormatSize() const | sp::video::VertexFormatReduced | [virtual] |
sp::video::VertexFormat::getFormatSize(u32 &Size) const | sp::video::VertexFormat | [protected, virtual] |
getIdentifier() const | sp::video::VertexFormat | |
getName() const | sp::video::VertexFormat | [inline] |
getNormal() const | sp::video::VertexFormat | [inline] |
getTangent() const | sp::video::VertexFormat | [inline] |
getTexCoords() const | sp::video::VertexFormat | [inline] |
getUniversals() const | sp::video::VertexFormat | [inline] |
InputLayout_ | sp::video::VertexFormat | [protected] |
Name_ | sp::video::VertexFormat | [protected] |
Normal_ | sp::video::VertexFormat | [protected] |
removeFlag(const EVertexFormatFlags Flag) | sp::video::VertexFormat | [inline, protected] |
setName(const io::stringc &Name) | sp::video::VertexFormat | [inline] |
Tangent_ | sp::video::VertexFormat | [protected] |
TexCoords_ | sp::video::VertexFormat | [protected] |
Universals_ | sp::video::VertexFormat | [protected] |
VertexFormat() | sp::video::VertexFormat | [protected] |
VertexFormat(const io::stringc &Name, s32 Flags) | sp::video::VertexFormat | [protected] |
VertexFormatReduced() | sp::video::VertexFormatReduced | |
~VertexFormat() | sp::video::VertexFormat | [virtual] |
~VertexFormatReduced() | sp::video::VertexFormatReduced | |