This is the complete list of members for
sp::video::OpenGLShaderClass, including all inherited members.
BaseObject() | sp::BaseObject | [inline, protected] |
BaseObject(const io::stringc &Name) | sp::BaseObject | [inline, protected] |
bind(const scene::MaterialNode *Object=0) | sp::video::OpenGLShaderClass | [virtual] |
build(const io::stringc &Name, ShaderClass *&ShdClass, VertexFormat *VertFmt, const std::list< io::stringc > *ShdBufferVertex, const std::list< io::stringc > *ShdBufferPixel, const io::stringc &VertexMain="VertexMain", const io::stringc &PixelMain="PixelMain", s32 Flags=SHADERBUILD_CG) | sp::video::ShaderClass | [static] |
CompiledSuccessfully_ | sp::video::ShaderClass | [protected] |
ComputeShader_ | sp::video::ShaderClass | [protected] |
ConstBufferList_ | sp::video::ShaderClass | [protected] |
DomainShader_ | sp::video::ShaderClass | [protected] |
GeometryShader_ | sp::video::ShaderClass | [protected] |
getComputeShader() const | sp::video::ShaderClass | [inline] |
getConstantBufferList() const | sp::video::ShaderClass | [inline] |
getDomainShader() const | sp::video::ShaderClass | [inline] |
getGeometryShader() const | sp::video::ShaderClass | [inline] |
getHullShader() const | sp::video::ShaderClass | [inline] |
getName() const | sp::BaseObject | [inline] |
getPixelShader() const | sp::video::ShaderClass | [inline] |
getShaderVersion(s32 Flags) | sp::video::ShaderClass | [static] |
getUserData() const | sp::BaseObject | [inline] |
getUserDataFlags() const | sp::BaseObject | [inline] |
getVertexShader() const | sp::video::ShaderClass | [inline] |
GLProgrammableFunctionPipeline class | sp::video::OpenGLShaderClass | [friend] |
HighLevel_ | sp::video::ShaderClass | [protected] |
HullShader_ | sp::video::ShaderClass | [protected] |
isHighLevel() const | sp::video::ShaderClass | [inline] |
link() | sp::video::OpenGLShaderClass | [virtual] |
Name_ | sp::BaseObject | [protected] |
ObjectCallback_ | sp::video::ShaderClass | [protected] |
OpenGLConstantBuffer class | sp::video::OpenGLShaderClass | [friend] |
OpenGLShader class | sp::video::OpenGLShaderClass | [friend] |
OpenGLShaderClass(VertexFormat *VertexInputLayout=0) | sp::video::OpenGLShaderClass | |
PixelShader_ | sp::video::ShaderClass | [protected] |
printError(const io::stringc &Message) | sp::video::ShaderClass | [protected] |
printWarning(const io::stringc &Message) | sp::video::ShaderClass | [protected] |
setName(const io::stringc &Name) | sp::BaseObject | [inline] |
setObjectCallback(const ShaderObjectCallback &CallbackProc) | sp::video::ShaderClass | [inline] |
setSurfaceCallback(const ShaderSurfaceCallback &CallbackProc) | sp::video::ShaderClass | [inline] |
setUserData(void *Data) | sp::BaseObject | [inline] |
setUserDataFlags(s32 Flags) | sp::BaseObject | [inline] |
Shader class | sp::video::ShaderClass | [friend] |
ShaderClass() | sp::video::ShaderClass | [protected] |
SurfaceCallback_ | sp::video::ShaderClass | [protected] |
unbind() | sp::video::OpenGLShaderClass | [virtual] |
UserData_ | sp::BaseObject | [protected] |
UserDataFlags_ | sp::BaseObject | [protected] |
valid() const | sp::video::ShaderClass | [inline] |
VertexShader_ | sp::video::ShaderClass | [protected] |
~BaseObject() | sp::BaseObject | [inline, virtual] |
~OpenGLShaderClass() | sp::video::OpenGLShaderClass | |
~ShaderClass() | sp::video::ShaderClass | [virtual] |