
sp::math::CollisionLibrary Namespace Reference

Here you will find each function for collision detection, distance computation and intersection tests. More...


SP_EXPORT dim::vector3df getClosestPoint (const dim::triangle3df &Triangle, const dim::vector3df &Point)
SP_EXPORT bool getClosestPointStraight (const dim::triangle3df &Triangle, const dim::vector3df &Point, dim::vector3df &PointOnTriangle)
SP_EXPORT dim::vector3df getClosestPoint (const dim::aabbox3df &Box, const dim::vector3df &Point)
SP_EXPORT dim::vector3df getClosestPoint (const dim::aabbox3df &Box, const dim::vector3df &Point, dim::vector3df &Normal)
SP_EXPORT dim::vector3df getClosestPoint (const dim::obbox3df &Box, const dim::vector3df &Point)
SP_EXPORT dim::line3df getClosestLine (const dim::triangle3df &Triangle, const dim::line3df &Line)
SP_EXPORT bool getClosestLineStraight (const dim::triangle3df &Triangle, const dim::line3df &Line, dim::line3df &LineToTriangle)
SP_EXPORT dim::line3df getClosestLine (const dim::quadrangle3df &Quadrangle, const dim::line3df &Line)
SP_EXPORT dim::line3df getClosestLine (const dim::aabbox3df &Box, const dim::line3df &Line)
SP_EXPORT f32 getPointBoxDistanceSq (const dim::obbox3df &Box, const dim::vector3df &Point)
 Computes the squared distance between the given box and point.
SP_EXPORT f32 getLineBoxDistanceSq (const dim::aabbox3df &Box, const dim::line3df &Line)
SP_EXPORT f32 getLineLineDistanceSq (const dim::line3df &LineA, const dim::line3df &LineB, dim::vector3df &PointP, dim::vector3df &PointQ)
SP_EXPORT bool getLineLineIntersection (const dim::line3df &LineA, const dim::line3df &LineB, dim::vector3df &Intersection)
SP_EXPORT dim::point2df get2DLineLineIntersectionStraight (const dim::point2df &A, const dim::point2df &B, const dim::point2df &C, const dim::point2df &D)
SP_EXPORT bool checkLineTriangleIntersection (const dim::triangle3df &Triangle, const dim::line3df &Line, dim::vector3df &Intersection)
SP_EXPORT bool checkLineSphereIntersection (const dim::line3df &Line, const dim::vector3df &SpherePosition, const f32 SphereRadius, dim::vector3df &Intersection, bool MakeRayTest)
SP_EXPORT bool checkLineBoxIntersection (const dim::line3df &Line, const dim::aabbox3df &Box, dim::vector3df &Intersection, bool MakeRayTest)
SP_EXPORT bool checkTriangleTriangleIntersection (const dim::triangle3df &TriangleA, const dim::triangle3df &TriangleB, dim::line3df &Intersection)
SP_EXPORT bool checkLineBoxOverlap (const dim::line3df &Line, const dim::aabbox3df &Box)
 Returns true if an intersection between "Line" and "Box" has been detected.
SP_EXPORT bool checkPlaneBoxOverlap (const dim::plane3df &Plane, const dim::aabbox3df &Box)
 Returns true if an intersection between "Plane" and "Box" has been detected.
SP_EXPORT bool checkTriangleBoxOverlap (const dim::triangle3df &Triangle, const dim::aabbox3df &Box)
 Returns true if an intersection between "Triangle" and "Box" has been detected.
SP_EXPORT bool checkOBBoxOBBoxOverlap (const dim::obbox3df &BoxA, const dim::obbox3df &BoxB)
bool checkPyramidPyramidOverlap (const dim::vector3df &OriginA, const scene::ViewFrustum &FrustumA, const dim::vector3df &OriginB, const scene::ViewFrustum &FrustumB)
f32 getPointBoxDistance (const dim::obbox3df &Box, const dim::vector3df &Point)
 Computes the distance between the given box and point.
f32 getLineBoxDistance (const dim::aabbox3df &Box, const dim::line3df &Line)
 Computes the distance between the given box and line.
f32 getLineLineDistance (const dim::line3df &LineA, const dim::line3df &LineB, dim::vector3df &PointP, dim::vector3df &PointQ)
 Returns the square root of the result of the getLineLineDistanceSq function.
template<typename T , typename C >
bool getLinePlaneIntersection (const dim::plane3d< T > &Plane, const C &LineStart, const C &LineEnd, C &Intersection)
template<typename T , typename C >
bool clipPolygon (const dim::polygon< C > &Poly, const dim::plane3d< T > &Plane, dim::polygon< C > &FrontPoly, dim::polygon< C > &BackPoly)

Detailed Description

Here you will find each function for collision detection, distance computation and intersection tests.

Function Documentation

SP_EXPORT bool sp::math::CollisionLibrary::checkLineBoxIntersection ( const dim::line3df &  Line,
const dim::aabbox3df &  Box,
dim::vector3df &  Intersection,
bool  MakeRayTest = false 

Tests if a line intersects with an axis aligned bounding box.

[in] Line 3D line for the test.
[in] Box 3D AABB (Axis Aligned Bounding Box) for the test. In this case you can not transform the box (e.g. for rotations). Make an inverse transformation to the line.
[out] Intersection Resulting 3D intersection point.
[in] MakeRayTest Specifies whether the line is to be interpreted as a line or a ray. By default false. If the line is interpreted as a ray, the length of the line is ignored.
True if an intersection has been detected.
SP_EXPORT bool sp::math::CollisionLibrary::checkLineBoxOverlap ( const dim::line3df &  Line,
const dim::aabbox3df &  Box 

Returns true if an intersection between "Line" and "Box" has been detected.

SP_EXPORT bool sp::math::CollisionLibrary::checkLineSphereIntersection ( const dim::line3df &  Line,
const dim::vector3df &  SpherePosition,
const f32  SphereRadius,
dim::vector3df &  Intersection,
bool  MakeRayTest = false 

Tests if a line intersects with a sphere.

[in] Line 3D line for the test.
[in] SpherePosition Sphere's 3D position.
[in] SphereRadius Sphere's radius.
[out] Intersection Resulting 3D intersection point.
[in] MakeRayTest Specifies whether the line is to be interpreted as a line or a ray. By default false.
True if an intersection has been detected.
SP_EXPORT bool sp::math::CollisionLibrary::checkLineTriangleIntersection ( const dim::triangle3df &  Triangle,
const dim::line3df &  Line,
dim::vector3df &  Intersection 

Tests if a lines intersects with a triangle.

Triangle,: 3D triangle for the test.
Line,: 3D line for the test.
Intersection,: Resulting 3D intersection point.
True if an intersection has been detected.
SP_EXPORT bool sp::math::CollisionLibrary::checkOBBoxOBBoxOverlap ( const dim::obbox3df &  BoxA,
const dim::obbox3df &  BoxB 
True if an intersection between "BoxA" and "BoxB" has been detected. OOBs (orientated-bounding-boxes) may be transformed for intersection tests (With AABBs (axis-aliend-bounding-boxes) you have to transform the opposit intersection object by the inverse transformation).
SP_EXPORT bool sp::math::CollisionLibrary::checkPlaneBoxOverlap ( const dim::plane3df &  Plane,
const dim::aabbox3df &  Box 

Returns true if an intersection between "Plane" and "Box" has been detected.

bool sp::math::CollisionLibrary::checkPyramidPyramidOverlap ( const dim::vector3df &  OriginA,
const scene::ViewFrustum &  FrustumA,
const dim::vector3df &  OriginB,
const scene::ViewFrustum &  FrustumB 

Returns true if the two view frustums overlap each other. In this case the two view frustums are aproximated as pyramids for performance optimzation.

SP_EXPORT bool sp::math::CollisionLibrary::checkTriangleBoxOverlap ( const dim::triangle3df &  Triangle,
const dim::aabbox3df &  Box 

Returns true if an intersection between "Triangle" and "Box" has been detected.

SP_EXPORT bool sp::math::CollisionLibrary::checkTriangleTriangleIntersection ( const dim::triangle3df &  TriangleA,
const dim::triangle3df &  TriangleB,
dim::line3df &  Intersection 

Tests if a triangle intersects with an other triangle.

TriangleA,: First 3D triangle for the test.
TriangleB,: Second 3D triangle for the test.
Intersection,: Resulting 3D line (or rather "intersection cut").
True if an intersection has been detected.
template<typename T , typename C >
bool sp::math::CollisionLibrary::clipPolygon ( const dim::polygon< C > &  Poly,
const dim::plane3d< T > &  Plane,
dim::polygon< C > &  FrontPoly,
dim::polygon< C > &  BackPoly 

Clips the given polygon with the given plane.

Template Parameters:
T Specifies the data type (float, double, int etc.).
C Specifies the class type (point2d, vector3d etc.). Requires that the class implements a function called "vector3d<T> getCoord() const".
[in] Poly Specifies the polygon which is to be clipped.
[in] Plane Specifies the clipping plane.
[out] FrontPoly Specifies the output polygon which is in front of the clipping plane.
[out] BackPoly Specifies the output polygon which is behind the clipping plane.
True on success. Otherwise the input is invalid.
See also:
SP_EXPORT dim::point2df sp::math::CollisionLibrary::get2DLineLineIntersectionStraight ( const dim::point2df &  A,
const dim::point2df &  B,
const dim::point2df &  C,
const dim::point2df &  D 

Computes the intersection of two lines (or rather rays because an intersection will always be detected).

A,: Start point of the first lines.
B,: End point of the first lines.
C,: Start point of the second lines.
D,: End point of the second lines.
Intersection point of the two lines (or rather rays).
SP_EXPORT dim::line3df sp::math::CollisionLibrary::getClosestLine ( const dim::quadrangle3df &  Quadrangle,
const dim::line3df &  Line 

Computes the closest line from the given quadrangle and line.

Quadrangle,: 3D quadrangle for the computation.
Line,: 3D line to which the clsoest point is to be computed.
Closest 3D line from "Line" to "Quadrangle" where the start point is onto the quadrangle.
This function has not been tested yet!
SP_EXPORT dim::line3df sp::math::CollisionLibrary::getClosestLine ( const dim::aabbox3df &  Box,
const dim::line3df &  Line 

Computes the closest line from the given axis-aligned bounding box and line.

[in] Box Specifies the AABB.
[in] Line Specifies the 3D line.
Closest 3D line from "Line" to "Box" where the start point is onto the box.
SP_EXPORT dim::line3df sp::math::CollisionLibrary::getClosestLine ( const dim::triangle3df &  Triangle,
const dim::line3df &  Line 

Computes the closest line between the given triangle and line.

Triangle,: 3D triangle for the computation.
Line,: 3D line to which the closest point is to be computed.
Closest 3D line from "Line" to "Triangle" where the start point is onto the triangle.
SP_EXPORT bool sp::math::CollisionLibrary::getClosestLineStraight ( const dim::triangle3df &  Triangle,
const dim::line3df &  Line,
dim::line3df &  LineToTriangle 

Computes the closest line between the given triangle and line.

Triangle,: 3D triangle for the computation.
Line,: 3D line to which the closest point is to be computed.
LineToTriangle,: Resulting 3D line.
True if the line's start or end point lies onto the triangle. Otherwise false and the resulting 3d line is empty.
SP_EXPORT dim::vector3df sp::math::CollisionLibrary::getClosestPoint ( const dim::aabbox3df &  Box,
const dim::vector3df &  Point 

Computes the closest point from an other point to a box.

Box,: 3D AABB (Axis-Aliend-Bounding-Box) for the computation.
Point,: 3D point to which the closest point shall be computed.
Closest 3D point from "Point" to "Box" (or rather to a Box's surface).
SP_EXPORT dim::vector3df sp::math::CollisionLibrary::getClosestPoint ( const dim::triangle3df &  Triangle,
const dim::vector3df &  Point 

Computes the closest point onto given triangle from an other point to this trianlge.

Triangle,: 3D triangle for the computation.
Point,: 3D point to which the closest point is to be computed.
Closest 3D point from "Point" to "Triangle".
SP_EXPORT dim::vector3df sp::math::CollisionLibrary::getClosestPoint ( const dim::aabbox3df &  Box,
const dim::vector3df &  Point,
dim::vector3df &  Normal 

Same like the function above but computes additional the normalized normal vector by "Point" and the resulting 3D point.

SP_EXPORT dim::vector3df sp::math::CollisionLibrary::getClosestPoint ( const dim::obbox3df &  Box,
const dim::vector3df &  Point 

Computes the closest point from an other point to a box.

Box,: 3D OBB (Oriented-Bounding-Box) for the computation.
Point,: 3D point to which the closest point shall be computed.
Closest 3D point from "Point" to "Box" (or rather to a Box's surface).
SP_EXPORT bool sp::math::CollisionLibrary::getClosestPointStraight ( const dim::triangle3df &  Triangle,
const dim::vector3df &  Point,
dim::vector3df &  PointOnTriangle 

Computes the closest point from an other point to a triangle if this computed point lies onto the triangle.

PointOnTriangle,: Resulting 3D point.
True if the point lies onto the triangle. In this case "Point" and "PointOnTrianlge" offer a normal vector to "Trianlge".
f32 sp::math::CollisionLibrary::getLineBoxDistance ( const dim::aabbox3df &  Box,
const dim::line3df &  Line 
) [inline]

Computes the distance between the given box and line.

SP_EXPORT f32 sp::math::CollisionLibrary::getLineBoxDistanceSq ( const dim::aabbox3df &  Box,
const dim::line3df &  Line 

Computes the squared distance between the given box and line.

This function has not been tested yet!
f32 sp::math::CollisionLibrary::getLineLineDistance ( const dim::line3df &  LineA,
const dim::line3df &  LineB,
dim::vector3df &  PointP,
dim::vector3df &  PointQ 
) [inline]

Returns the square root of the result of the getLineLineDistanceSq function.

SP_EXPORT f32 sp::math::CollisionLibrary::getLineLineDistanceSq ( const dim::line3df &  LineA,
const dim::line3df &  LineB,
dim::vector3df &  PointP,
dim::vector3df &  PointQ 

Computes the squared distance between two lines. If you want to have the real distance take the square-root of the return value.

LineA,: First line.
LineB,: Second line.
PointP,: First point of the closest distance (or rather line).
PointQ,: Second point of the closest distance (or rather line).
Closest distance of the two lines or rather the length of the closest line PQ.
SP_EXPORT bool sp::math::CollisionLibrary::getLineLineIntersection ( const dim::line3df &  LineA,
const dim::line3df &  LineB,
dim::vector3df &  Intersection 

Tests if the two lines are intersecting.

LinesA,: First line.
LinesB,: Second line.
Intersection,: Resulting intersection point of the two lines if an intersection has been deteced.
True if an intersection has been detected.
template<typename T , typename C >
bool sp::math::CollisionLibrary::getLinePlaneIntersection ( const dim::plane3d< T > &  Plane,
const C &  LineStart,
const C &  LineEnd,
C &  Intersection 
f32 sp::math::CollisionLibrary::getPointBoxDistance ( const dim::obbox3df &  Box,
const dim::vector3df &  Point 
) [inline]

Computes the distance between the given box and point.

SP_EXPORT f32 sp::math::CollisionLibrary::getPointBoxDistanceSq ( const dim::obbox3df &  Box,
const dim::vector3df &  Point 

Computes the squared distance between the given box and point.

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