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sp::scene::Mesh Class Reference

#include <spSceneMesh.hpp>

Inheritance diagram for sp::scene::Mesh:
sp::scene::MaterialNode sp::scene::RenderNode sp::scene::SceneNode sp::Node sp::BaseObject

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 Mesh ()
virtual ~Mesh ()
virtual bool compareMeshBuffers (const Mesh *Other) const
void addTexture (video::Texture *Tex, const u8 Layer=video::TEXLAYER_LAST, const video::ETextureLayerTypes LayerType=video::TEXLAYER_DEFAULT)
 Adds the specifies texture to all mesh buffers.
void textureAutoMap (const u8 Layer, const f32 Density=1.0, const u32 MeshBufferIndex=MESHBUFFER_IGNORE, bool GlobalProjection=true, bool AllowNegativeTexCoords=false)
std::vector< video::Texture * > getTextureList () const
 Returns a list with all textures of all mesh buffers.
u32 getTextureCount () const
 Returns count of textures of the specified surface.
virtual void updateNormals ()
void updateTangentSpace (const u8 TangentLayer=video::TEXTURE_IGNORE, const u8 BinormalLayer=video::TEXTURE_IGNORE, bool UpdateNormals=true)
void updateVertexBuffer ()
 Updates each vertex buffer.
void updateIndexBuffer ()
 Updates each index buffer.
void updateMeshBuffer ()
 Updates each vertex- and index buffer.
void meshTranslate (const dim::vector3df &Direction)
void meshTransform (const dim::vector3df &Size)
void meshTransform (const dim::matrix4f &Matrix)
void meshTurn (const dim::vector3df &Rotation)
void meshFlip ()
 Flips the mesh. i.e. each vertex's coordinate will be inverted.
void meshFlip (bool isXAxis, bool isYAxis, bool isZAxis)
void meshFit (const dim::vector3df &Position, const dim::vector3df &Size)
void meshSpherify (f32 Factor)
void meshTwist (f32 Rotation)
void mergeFamily (bool isDeleteChildren=true)
dim::vector3df centerOrigin ()
void seperateTriangles ()
 Seperates concatenated triangles for each mesh buffer. After calling this function each triangle has its own vertices.
void flipTriangles ()
bool getMeshBoundingBox (dim::vector3df &Min, dim::vector3df &Max, bool isGlobal=false) const
dim::aabbox3df getMeshBoundingBox (bool isGlobal=false) const
 Returns dimension of the mesh AABB (axis-aliend-bounding-box).
f32 getMeshBoundingSphere (bool isGlobal=false) const
 Returns radius of the mesh bounding sphere.
void addLODSubMesh (Mesh *LODSubMesh, bool isCopyMaterials=false)
void clearLODSubMeshes ()
 Clears the LOD (level-of-detail) sub mesh list.
void setLODSubMeshList (const std::vector< Mesh * > &LODSubMeshList)
 Sets the LOD (level-of-detail) sub meshes list directly.
void setLODDistance (f32 Distance)
void setLOD (bool Enable)
 Enables or disables the LOD (level-of-detail) management.
video::MeshBuffercreateMeshBuffer (const video::VertexFormat *VertexFormat=0, const video::ERendererDataTypes IndexFormat=video::DATATYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT)
void deleteMeshBuffer (const u32 Index)
 Deletes the specified mesh buffer.
void deleteMeshBuffers ()
 Deletes all mesh buffers.
void mergeMeshBuffers ()
void optimizeTransparency ()
u32 getVertexCount () const
 Returns count of vertices for the specified surface.
u32 getTriangleCount () const
 Returns count of triangles for the specified surface.
u32 getOrigVertexCount () const
 Returns count of vertices for the specified surface.
u32 getOrigTriangleCount () const
 Returns count of triangles for the specified surface.
void setReference (Mesh *ReferenceMesh, bool CopyLocation=false, bool CopyMaterial=false)
MeshgetReference ()
const MeshgetReference () const
void paint (const video::color &Color, bool CombineColors=false)
void setShading (const video::EShadingTypes Type, bool UpdateImmediate=false)
void copy (const Mesh *Other)
Meshcopy () const
 Returns a pointer to a new Mesh object which has been copied by this Mesh.
virtual void render ()
video::MeshBuffergetMeshBuffer (const u32 Index)
 Returns the specified video::MeshBuffer object.
const video::MeshBuffergetMeshBuffer (const u32 Index) const
 Returns the specified constant video::MeshBuffer object.
video::MeshBuffergetOrigMeshBuffer (const u32 Index)
 Returns the specified original video::MeshBuffer object.
const video::MeshBuffergetOrigMeshBuffer (const u32 Index) const
 Returns the specified constant original video::MeshBuffer object.
video::MeshBuffergetLastMeshBuffer ()
 Returns the last video::MeshBuffer object.
const video::MeshBuffergetLastMeshBuffer () const
 Returns the last constant video::MeshBuffer object.
u32 getMeshBufferCount () const
 Returns cound of mesh buffers.
u32 getOrigMeshBufferCount () const
 Returns cound of mesh buffers.
const std::vector
< video::MeshBuffer * > & 
getMeshBufferList () const
 Returns the mesh buffer (or rather surface) list. Useful for iterating with boost/foreach.
void setRenderCallback (const video::UserRenderCallback &RenderCallback)
 Sets the render callback. By default 0.
const std::vector< Mesh * > & getLODSubMeshList () const
 Returns list of the LOD (level-of-detail) sub meshes.
f32 getLODDistance () const
 Returns LOD distance.
bool getLOD () const
 Returns status of the LOD management.
bool isInstanced () const

Protected Member Functions

u32 updateLevelOfDetail ()
void copyMesh (Mesh *NewMesh) const

Protected Attributes

std::vector< video::MeshBuffer * > OrigSurfaceList_
std::vector< video::MeshBuffer * > * SurfaceList_
std::vector< video::MeshBuffer * > * LODSurfaceList_
bool UseLODSubMeshes_
f32 LODSubMeshDistance_
std::vector< Mesh * > LODSubMeshList_
video::UserRenderCallback UserRenderProc_


class SceneGraph
class SimpleSceneManager
struct SCollisionSystemObject
struct SPickingObject
struct SCollisionObject
bool cmpObjectMeshes (Mesh *&obj1, Mesh *&obj2)

Detailed Description

Meshes represents the main 3D objects which are also called "Entity", "Model" or just "3D Object". A Mesh consists basically of information about its location (position, rotation, scaling), a material (see video::SMeshMaterial) with its color, shader etc. and multiple surfaces which form the 3D data (vertices, triangles, textures). The way to create a 3D model is the following: create a Mesh, add one or more surfaces, add vertices to the surface, add triangles to the surface and finish! Don't forget to update the mesh buffer using the "updateMeshBuffer" function. Then you can add textures on it. Actually there are only surfaces to use multiple textures which shall not lie one upon the other (that would be multi-texturing). But each surface uses the same Mesh's material. Consider that not only a large count of triangle can be a performance problem but also the count of surfaces and entities!

Example code:

// Create the mesh
scene::Mesh* Obj = spSmngr->createMesh();

// Create a new mesh buffer
video::MeshBuffer* Shape = Obj->createMeshBuffer();

// Add a texture

// Add three vertices
Shape->addVertex(dim::vector3df( 0.0f,  1.0f, 0.0f), dim::point2df(0.5f, 0.0f), video::color(255, 0, 0)); // Vertex 0
Shape->addVertex(dim::vector3df( 1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f), dim::point2df(1.0f, 1.0f), video::color(0, 255, 0)); // Vertex 1
Shape->addVertex(dim::vector3df(-1.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f), dim::point2df(0.0f, 1.0f), video::color(0, 0, 255)); // Vertex 2

// Add a triangle
Shape->addTriangle(0, 1, 2);

// Update vertex- and index buffer after creating the geometry

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

sp::scene::Mesh::Mesh (  ) 
sp::scene::Mesh::~Mesh (  )  [virtual]

Member Function Documentation

void sp::scene::Mesh::addLODSubMesh ( Mesh LODSubMesh,
bool  isCopyMaterials = false 

Adds a LOD (level-of-detail) sub mesh.

LODSubMesh,: Mesh object which shall be added to the LOD list. When LOD is enabled the base mesh (this Mesh object) is the first object and has to be the best detailed mesh.
isCopyMaterials,: If true the "LODSubMesh" object's materials are copied to these of this Mesh object.
void sp::scene::Mesh::addTexture ( video::Texture Tex,
const u8  Layer = video::TEXLAYER_LAST,
const video::ETextureLayerTypes  LayerType = video::TEXLAYER_DEFAULT 

Adds the specifies texture to all mesh buffers.

dim::vector3df sp::scene::Mesh::centerOrigin (  ) 

Centers the mesh's origin. After this operation the mesh's origin (vector [0|0|0]) is in the middle of the model.

Displacement vector.
void sp::scene::Mesh::clearLODSubMeshes (  ) 

Clears the LOD (level-of-detail) sub mesh list.

bool sp::scene::Mesh::compareMeshBuffers ( const Mesh Other  )  const [virtual]

Compares this and the given mesh object by their mesh buffers. This will be used by the 'SceneGraphsortRenderList' function when the sorting method is 'RENDERLIST_SORT_MESHBUFFER'.

See also:
void sp::scene::Mesh::copy ( const Mesh Other  ) 

Copies the mesh. Normally used inside the SceneManager but can also be used manual.

other,: Specifies the mesh where the data of this mesh shall be stored.
Mesh * sp::scene::Mesh::copy (  )  const

Returns a pointer to a new Mesh object which has been copied by this Mesh.

Reimplemented from sp::scene::SceneNode.

void sp::scene::Mesh::copyMesh ( Mesh NewMesh  )  const [protected]
video::MeshBuffer * sp::scene::Mesh::createMeshBuffer ( const video::VertexFormat VertexFormat = 0,
const video::ERendererDataTypes  IndexFormat = video::DATATYPE_UNSIGNED_SHORT 

Creates a new video::MeshBuffer object. This object can hold 3D geometry data.

VertexFormat,: Specifies the initial vertex format. By default video::VertexFormatDefault (can be used with RenderSystem::getVertexFormatDefault()).
IndexFormat,: Specifies the initial index format. By default ATTRIBUTE_USNIGNED_SHORT.
Pointer to the new video::MeshBuffer object.
void sp::scene::Mesh::deleteMeshBuffer ( const u32  Index  ) 

Deletes the specified mesh buffer.

void sp::scene::Mesh::deleteMeshBuffers (  ) 

Deletes all mesh buffers.

void sp::scene::Mesh::flipTriangles (  ) 

Flips each mesh's triangle. Each triangle's indices A and C are swapping their value. e.g. when a triangle has the indices (0, 1, 2) after flipping it has the indices (2, 1, 0).

video::MeshBuffer* sp::scene::Mesh::getLastMeshBuffer (  )  [inline]

Returns the last video::MeshBuffer object.

const video::MeshBuffer* sp::scene::Mesh::getLastMeshBuffer (  )  const [inline]

Returns the last constant video::MeshBuffer object.

bool sp::scene::Mesh::getLOD (  )  const [inline]

Returns status of the LOD management.

f32 sp::scene::Mesh::getLODDistance (  )  const [inline]

Returns LOD distance.

const std::vector<Mesh*>& sp::scene::Mesh::getLODSubMeshList (  )  const [inline]

Returns list of the LOD (level-of-detail) sub meshes.

dim::aabbox3df sp::scene::Mesh::getMeshBoundingBox ( bool  isGlobal = false  )  const

Returns dimension of the mesh AABB (axis-aliend-bounding-box).

bool sp::scene::Mesh::getMeshBoundingBox ( dim::vector3df Min,
dim::vector3df Max,
bool  isGlobal = false 
) const

Gives you the mesh's bounding box which is formed by each vertex-coordinate. There is still a function called "getBoundingBox" in the Node class which gives you user defined bounding box for frustum-culling.

Min,: Vector which will receive the minimal point of the bounding box.
Max,: Vector which will receive the maximal point of the bounding box.
isGlobal,: Specifies whether the coordinates are to be transformed by the object's matrix or not.
True if a valid bounding box could be created. Otherwise the mesh has no vertices.
f32 sp::scene::Mesh::getMeshBoundingSphere ( bool  isGlobal = false  )  const

Returns radius of the mesh bounding sphere.

video::MeshBuffer* sp::scene::Mesh::getMeshBuffer ( const u32  Index  )  [inline]

Returns the specified video::MeshBuffer object.

const video::MeshBuffer* sp::scene::Mesh::getMeshBuffer ( const u32  Index  )  const [inline]

Returns the specified constant video::MeshBuffer object.

u32 sp::scene::Mesh::getMeshBufferCount (  )  const [inline]

Returns cound of mesh buffers.

const std::vector<video::MeshBuffer*>& sp::scene::Mesh::getMeshBufferList (  )  const [inline]

Returns the mesh buffer (or rather surface) list. Useful for iterating with boost/foreach.

const video::MeshBuffer* sp::scene::Mesh::getOrigMeshBuffer ( const u32  Index  )  const [inline]

Returns the specified constant original video::MeshBuffer object.

video::MeshBuffer* sp::scene::Mesh::getOrigMeshBuffer ( const u32  Index  )  [inline]

Returns the specified original video::MeshBuffer object.

u32 sp::scene::Mesh::getOrigMeshBufferCount (  )  const [inline]

Returns cound of mesh buffers.

u32 sp::scene::Mesh::getOrigTriangleCount (  )  const

Returns count of triangles for the specified surface.

u32 sp::scene::Mesh::getOrigVertexCount (  )  const

Returns count of vertices for the specified surface.

Mesh * sp::scene::Mesh::getReference (  ) 
const Mesh * sp::scene::Mesh::getReference (  )  const
u32 sp::scene::Mesh::getTextureCount (  )  const

Returns count of textures of the specified surface.

std::vector< video::Texture * > sp::scene::Mesh::getTextureList (  )  const

Returns a list with all textures of all mesh buffers.

u32 sp::scene::Mesh::getTriangleCount (  )  const

Returns count of triangles for the specified surface.

u32 sp::scene::Mesh::getVertexCount (  )  const

Returns count of vertices for the specified surface.

bool sp::scene::Mesh::isInstanced (  )  const [inline]

Returns true if this mesh is an instance of another mesh, i.e. "setReference" was used.

See also:
void sp::scene::Mesh::mergeFamily ( bool  isDeleteChildren = true  ) 

Merges each child mesh as a new surface to this mesh object. This only works if the children are specified in the node's children list. Use "Node::addChild" or "Node::addChildren".

isDeleteChildren,: If true each child mesh will be deleted after the merging process (by default true).
void sp::scene::Mesh::mergeMeshBuffers (  ) 

Merges the given mesh, i.e. all mesh buffers which are equal in its structure (textures, vertex- and index format) are summarized.

See also:
void sp::scene::Mesh::meshFit ( const dim::vector3df Position,
const dim::vector3df Size 
void sp::scene::Mesh::meshFlip ( bool  isXAxis,
bool  isYAxis,
bool  isZAxis 
void sp::scene::Mesh::meshFlip (  ) 

Flips the mesh. i.e. each vertex's coordinate will be inverted.

void sp::scene::Mesh::meshSpherify ( f32  Factor  ) 
void sp::scene::Mesh::meshTransform ( const dim::vector3df Size  ) 
void sp::scene::Mesh::meshTransform ( const dim::matrix4f Matrix  ) 
void sp::scene::Mesh::meshTranslate ( const dim::vector3df Direction  ) 

Translates each vertex to the specified direction.

Direction,: Direction in which the mesh shall be moved.
Surface,: Affected surface(s).
void sp::scene::Mesh::meshTurn ( const dim::vector3df Rotation  ) 
void sp::scene::Mesh::meshTwist ( f32  Rotation  ) 
void sp::scene::Mesh::optimizeTransparency (  ) 

Optimizes the mesh vertices order depending on their transparency. Most transparent vertices will be placed at the end and less transparent vertices at the begin. This function can be used to avoid the overlapping problem with alpha-blending.

This is incomplete
void sp::scene::Mesh::paint ( const video::color Color,
bool  CombineColors = false 

Paints the whole mesh witht he specified color.

Color,: Specifies the color which is to be set.
CombineColors,: Specifies whether the color is to be multiplied with each vertex color or not.
void sp::scene::Mesh::render (  )  [virtual]

Renders the whole mesh. This function is called in the "renderScene" function of the SceneManager. Here the object-transformation, frustum-culling, level of detail and drawing the surfaces' mesh buffers are proceeded.

Implements sp::scene::MaterialNode.

void sp::scene::Mesh::seperateTriangles (  ) 

Seperates concatenated triangles for each mesh buffer. After calling this function each triangle has its own vertices.

void sp::scene::Mesh::setLOD ( bool  Enable  ) 

Enables or disables the LOD (level-of-detail) management.

void sp::scene::Mesh::setLODDistance ( f32  Distance  ) 

Sets the LOD distance.

Distance,: Specifies the distance which shall be used for LOD computing. Only linear and not exponentially yet.
void sp::scene::Mesh::setLODSubMeshList ( const std::vector< Mesh * > &  LODSubMeshList  ) 

Sets the LOD (level-of-detail) sub meshes list directly.

void sp::scene::Mesh::setReference ( Mesh ReferenceMesh,
bool  CopyLocation = false,
bool  CopyMaterial = false 

Sets a mesh reference. This feature is very usfull when rendering multiple equal 3D models. This saves much memory and for animation much performance costs. e.g. very good for animated grass when you have thousands of Mesh objects which all refers to only one animated mesh. Each of these objecsts uses the same mesh buffer. Small memory costs and small animation performance costs but many movement in the scene.

ReferenceMesh,: Mesh object which holds the mesh buffer which is to be used.
CopyLocation,: If true the location is copied from the "ReferenceEntity" object.
CopyMaterial,: If true the material settings are copied from the "ReferenceEntity" object.
void sp::scene::Mesh::setRenderCallback ( const video::UserRenderCallback RenderCallback  )  [inline]

Sets the render callback. By default 0.

void sp::scene::Mesh::setShading ( const video::EShadingTypes  Type,
bool  UpdateImmediate = false 

Sets the shading type.

Type,: Type of shading (flat, gouraud, phong, per-pixel).
UpdateImmediate,: If true the normals will be updated immediately (updateNormals).
See also:
void sp::scene::Mesh::textureAutoMap ( const u8  Layer,
const f32  Density = 1.0,
const u32  MeshBufferIndex = MESHBUFFER_IGNORE,
bool  GlobalProjection = true,
bool  AllowNegativeTexCoords = false 

Computes the texture coordinates automatically by the triangles' normal (typically used for lightmap texturing).

[in] Layer Layer/ level which shall be used.
[in] Density Factor which will be multiplied with the space coordinates to change it into texture coordinates.
[in] MeshBufferIndex Specifies the index for the mesh buffer which is to be used. By default MESHBUFFER_IGNORE to use all.
[in] GlobalProjection Specifies whether texture coordinate projection is to be done global or local. By default global.
[in] AllowNegativeTexCoords Specifies whether negative texture coordinates are allowed. By default false. When you are using any normal-mapping techniques, you should avoid negative texture coordinates!
Move this to "MeshModifier" namespace.
void sp::scene::Mesh::updateIndexBuffer (  ) 

Updates each index buffer.

u32 sp::scene::Mesh::updateLevelOfDetail (  )  [protected]
void sp::scene::Mesh::updateMeshBuffer (  ) 

Updates each vertex- and index buffer.

void sp::scene::Mesh::updateNormals (  )  [virtual]

Updates the normal vectors for each mesh buffer.

See also:
void sp::scene::Mesh::updateTangentSpace ( const u8  TangentLayer = video::TEXTURE_IGNORE,
const u8  BinormalLayer = video::TEXTURE_IGNORE,
bool  UpdateNormals = true 

Updates the tangent space for each mesh buffer.

See also:
void sp::scene::Mesh::updateVertexBuffer (  ) 

Updates each vertex buffer.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

bool cmpObjectMeshes ( Mesh *&  obj1,
Mesh *&  obj2 
) [friend]
friend class SceneGraph [friend]

Reimplemented from sp::scene::MaterialNode.

friend struct SCollisionObject [friend]
friend struct SCollisionSystemObject [friend]
friend class SimpleSceneManager [friend]
friend struct SPickingObject [friend]

Member Data Documentation

std::vector<Mesh*> sp::scene::Mesh::LODSubMeshList_ [protected]

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