Namespaces | Functions

D:/SoftwareEntwicklung/C++/HLC/Tools/SoftPixelEngine/repository/sources/Base/spMathRandomizer.cpp File Reference

#include "Base/spMathRandomizer.hpp"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>


namespace  sp


namespace  sp::math

This namespace contains all mathematical basic functions such as sine, cosine, distance calculations etc.

namespace  sp::math::Randomizer

Namepsace for all random-generation functions.


SP_EXPORT void sp::math::Randomizer::seedRandom (bool isTimeBase)
SP_EXPORT s32 sp::math::Randomizer::randInt ()
 Returns a random value in the range [0 .. RAND_MAX].
SP_EXPORT s32 sp::math::Randomizer::randInt (const s32 Max)
 Returns a random value in the range [0 .. Max]. This value can also be negative.
SP_EXPORT s32 sp::math::Randomizer::randInt (const s32 Min, const s32 Max)
 Returns a random value in the range [Min .. Max]. These values can also be negative.
SP_EXPORT bool sp::math::Randomizer::randBool (const u32 Probability)
 Returns true if the specified probability occurs. This is equivalent to "randInt(Probability) == 0".
SP_EXPORT f32 sp::math::Randomizer::randFloat ()
 Returns a random value in the range [0.0 .. 1.0].
SP_EXPORT f32 sp::math::Randomizer::randFloat (const f32 Max)
 Returns a floating point random value in the range [0.0 .. Max].
SP_EXPORT f32 sp::math::Randomizer::randFloat (const f32 Min, const f32 Max)
 Returns a floating point random value in the range [Min .. Max].
SP_EXPORT video::color sp::math::Randomizer::randColor (bool RandAlpha=false)
 Returns a random color. If 'RandAlpha' is false, the alpha channel is always 255.
SP_EXPORT dim::vector3df sp::math::Randomizer::randVector ()
 Returns a random direction vector. This vector is always normalized.
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