Namespaces | Functions

D:/SoftwareEntwicklung/C++/HLC/Tools/SoftPixelEngine/repository/sources/Base/spImageManagement.cpp File Reference

#include "Base/spImageManagement.hpp"
#include "Base/spImageBuffer.hpp"
#include "RenderSystem/spTextureBase.hpp"


namespace  sp


namespace  sp::video

All rendering and drawing operations for 2D and 3D can be found in this namespace.

namespace  sp::video::ImageConverter

ImageConverter namespace used for image buffer manipulation. This is particular used in the Texture class (e.g. for "setFormat", "setSize" etc.).


SP_EXPORT void sp::video::ImageConverter::setImageColorKey (u8 *ImageBuffer, s32 Width, s32 Height, const video::color &Color, s32 Tolerance)
SP_EXPORT bool sp::video::ImageConverter::checkImageSize (dim::size2di &InputSize)
 Get the correct image size (2^x).
SP_EXPORT s32 sp::video::ImageConverter::getMipmapLevelsCount (s32 Width, s32 Height)
 Get the count of mipmap levels.
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