Changes from 3.1 to 3.2

 // === Function name changes === //
 io::string::makeNumber -> io::string::number
 SoftPixelDevice::getTime -> io::Timer::getTime
 SoftPixelDevice::getFPS -> io::Timer::getFPS & io::Timer::getElapsedFrames
 SoftPixelDevice::getSceneGraph -> SoftPixelDevice::createSceneGraph (+ SoftPixelDevice::deleteSceneGraph)
 SoftPixelDevice::getSoundDevice -> SoftPixelDevice::createSoundDevice (+ SoftPixelDevice::deleteSoundDevice)
 audio::Sound::looped -> audio::Sound::getLoop (+ setLoop)
 dim::EMatrixProjectionTypes -> dim::EMatrixCoordinateSystmes
 io::FileHDD -> io::FilePhysical
 io::FileRAM -> io::FileVirtual
 BasicObject -> BaseObject
 video::RenderSystem::setClippingPlane has been removed. Use the scene::Camera::setRange function instead.
 video::RenderSystem::makeNormalMap -> tool::ImageModifier::bakeNormalMap
 class TextureManipulator -> namespace ImageModifier
 scene::SceneNode no longer inherits from BoundingVolume but has such an object. Get it with the "getBoundingVolume" function.
 Now the default bounding volume is 0.5 as radius for sphere and box.
 math::ViewFrustum -> scene::ViewFrustum
 container4 class has been removed. Use vector4d instead.
 SceneNode's collision functions has been removed (checkContact, getContact, getNextContact, getContactList) -> use CollisionNode class instead.
 SceneNode's transformation has been ported to a separate class called "Transformation3D" which is a template. But the 32-bit-float typedef
 is called "Transformation". More over returns the "getTransformation" function no longer a 4x4 matrix but such a transformation object.
 Use "getTransformMatrix" instead to directly receive the transformation's matrix.
 scene::Light::set/getLightingType -> set/getLightModel
 dim::rect2d::isPointCollided -> dim::rect2d::overlap
 dim::rect2d::isRectCollided -> dim::rect2d::overlap
 video::Font::getID -> video::Font::getBufferRawData
 io::InputController::keyDownEx has been removed -> use keyDown instaed which now also works with left/right shift and left/right control.
 SoftPixelDevice::getUserCharList has been removed -> use io::InputControl::getEnteredWord instead
 class BasicMeshGenerator -> namespace MeshGenerator
 scene::CollisionDetector has been removed -> use scene::CollisionGraph instead
 scene::Collision has been removed -> use the new collision system
 SoftPixelDevice::getCollisionDetector -> removed
 video::emptycolor -> video::color::empty
 io::getHex -> io::getHexString (and io::getHexNumber added)
 SoftPixelDevice::updateEvent -> SoftPixelDevice::updateEvents (because several events will be updated)
 Mesh::optimizeMeshBuffers -> Mesh::mergeMeshBuffers
 StencilManager -> removed (the deprecated stencil management has been removed completely)
 SceneGraph::set/getStencilEffects -> removed
 SceneGraph::getStencilManager -> removed
 SceneGraph::removeTexture -> SceneManager::removeTexture
 SceneGraph::createAnimation -> SceneManager::createAnimation
 SceneGraph::clearAnimations -> SceneManager::clearAnimations
 SceneGraph::updateAnimation -> SceneManager::updateAnimation
 SceneGraph::finishRenderScene -> has become a static function
 Mesh::getTriangleLink -> removed
 Surface shader callback "ShaderSurfaceCallback" declaration changed from:
 "void (ShaderClass* Table, const std::vector<SMeshSurfaceTexture>* TextureList)" to
 "void (ShaderClass* Table, const std::vector<SMeshSurfaceTexture> &TextureList)"
 scene::SceneGraph::getRenderList and all the other scene-node lists are no
 longer from the type std::list but from the type std::vector for performance reasons.
 scene::SceneNode is no longer using std::list for scene-children and animation lists,
 but std::vector is sued for performance reasons.
 tool::LightmapGenerator::setCallback -> ...setProgressCallback
 tool::LightmapGenerator::clearLightmapObjects -> ...clearScene
 tool::LightmapGenerator::getLightmapList -> ...getLightmapTextures
 io::EByteTypes -> io::EMemorySizeTypes
 dim::plane3d::getLeftPlane (also the other 5 functions: right, top, bottom, front, back) has changed internally (previous planes where wrong).
 dim::matrix4::getMatrix3 -> get3x3 (+ get2x2)
 Mesh::clipConcatenatedTriangles -> Mesh::seperateTriangles
 MeshBuffer::clipConcatenatedTriangles -> MeshBuffer::seperateTriangles
 MeshBuffer::clearTextureList -> MeshBuffer::clearTextureLayers
 Mesh::getTextureList -> now returns an 'std::vector' not an 'std::list'
 MeshBuffer::getTextureList -> now returns an 'std::vector' not an 'std::list'
 "typedef boost::function<void (ShaderClass* Table, const std::vector<SMeshSurfaceTexture> &TextureList)> ShaderSurfaceCallback" changed to
 "typedef boost::function<void (ShaderClass* Table, const std::vector<TextureLayer*> &TexLayers)> ShaderSurfaceCallback"
 sp::spWindowCallback -> sp::SpWin32Callback
 video::SMeshSurfaceTexture has been removed -> use the new texture-layer system instead (see TextureLayer class for more details).
 tool::ModelCombiner -> tool::MeshBooleanOperator
 "typedef boost::function<void (scene::Mesh* Obj, std::vector<MeshBuffer*>* LODSurfaceList, u32 LODIndex)> UserRenderCallback" changed to
 "typedef boost::function<void (scene::Mesh* Obj, const std::vector<MeshBuffer*> &LODSurfaceList, u32 LODIndex)> UserRenderCallback"
 video::DEF_SPLINE_DETAIL has been removed -> it's no longer used.
 scene::ECollisionTypes has been removed -> use the new collision system instead.
 scene::EPickingTypes has been removed -> use the new collision system instead.
 scene::Camera::setProjectionMatrix has been removed -> see new Projection3D class.
 scene::Camera::updatePerspective has been removed -> see new Projection3D class.
 video::EMeshBufferUsage -> video::EHWBufferUsage
 video::RenderSystem::drawPrimitiveList has been removed -> use drawMeshBuffer with none-temporary mesh buffers instead.
 video::RenderSystem::setDefaultAlphaBlending -> setupDefaultBlending
 video::RenderSystem::disableTriangleListStates has been removed -> lagecy code.
 video::RenderSystem::disable3DRenderStates has been removed -> lagecy code.
 video::RenderSystem::disableTexturing has been removed -> lagecy code.
 video::RenderSystem::enableBlending has been removed -> lagecy code (use "setRenderState" instead).
 video::RenderSystem::disableBlending has been removed -> lagecy code (use "setRenderState" instead).
 video::RenderSystem::updateWireframeMode has been removed -> didn't do anything anytime.
 video::RenderSystem::set/getSolidMode has been removed -> solid mode is always active for 2D drawing.
 scene::StencilManager has been removed:
  -> the stencil shadow was never complete but deprecated. Use the deferred renderer and shadow mapper for real-time shadow effects.
 video::RenderSystem::clearStencilBuffer has been removed
 video::RenderSystem::drawStencilShadowVolume has been removed
 video::RenderSystem::drawStencilShadow has been removed
  -> use setStencilMask, setStencilMethod, setStencilOperation and setClearStencil instead
 video::RenderSystem::setRenderState (changed behaviour) -> see the documentation notes for information
 // === Math macros removed === //
 Use math::Sin, math::ASin etc. instead
 // === Changes in the Texture class === //
 Normally all image buffer operations (such as 'turnImage', 'setColorKey' etc.) has to be done
 with the the "video::ImageBuffer" object. This can be get by the "Texture::getImageBuffer()" function.
 After modifying the image buffer you have to call "Texture::updateImageBuffer".
 But there are several functions which has been implemented in the Texture class directly such as
 'set-/getColorKey', 'set-/getSize', 'set-/getFormat'.
 // === Changes in Animation === //
 scene::AnimationNode -> scene::NodeAnimation
 scene::AnimationMorphTarget -> scene::MorphTargetAnimation
 scene::AnimationSkeletal -> scene::SkeletalAnimation
 scene::Animation::animating -> scene::Animation::playing
 // === Changes in SoftPixelDevice === //
 All window managing functions (e.g. "setWindowPosition" etc.) has been moved to the render context class.
 Since there can be more than one render context and thus more than one graphics window these functions
 belong to the video::RenderContext class. And "getWindowHandle" has changed to "getWindowObject".
 // === Changes in ShaderTable === //
 Every function or class name with "ShaderTable" is now called "ShaderClass". There is no longer any
 Name with "ShaderTable" because "table" is really the wrong name for it ;-)
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